81 lbs to go, PCOS is a challenge

Hi all, I have 81 lbs to go and I am 32 year old woman on a quest to control my PCOS symptoms. We'll be starting to try to conceive later this summer and I want to prepare myself physically - this means get my symptoms under control and lose as much weight as possible to try and have an eas(ier) pregnancy. Looking for women in my situation! I am also trying to find good supplements and natural remedies.


  • kenzichi
    kenzichi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Helena, seems like we face the same thing 'PCOS'. I've gained 8kg over 5 months due to this. Need to letgo 55 lbs, also trying to get another baby. Hope we can motivate each other :)

    And need to find others to help me with my weight loss program.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    same here for the weight loss...I would be curious to see what comes out from the thread...
    Looks like low carb is working for lots of PCOS ladies.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    You can do it - keep drinking lots of water and don't eat to suppress your emotions. Keep away from toxic people.

    good luck!
  • 30sgirl
    30sgirl Posts: 2
    Hi there! you are not alone!! I too have PCOS. I am 30 and was diagnosed at 27. I ultimately have 100lbs I would like to lose to get to ultimate goal weight, but 80lbs to start put me in great area. I too am trying to conceive around this time next year, so my focus now isn't so much to look great, but to be healthy fit and strong for pregnancy and a healthy baby. I am on Metformin 2000mg and I am struggling with the gas and discomfort. I am trying to put in my head that I am preparing my body for baby so the better shape I'm in before it happens, the better i will carry, the healthier I'll be and the better I'll be afterwards. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not letting PCOS get me down anymore. I've sent the fat and everything it came with an eviction notice. Its time to go!