Low carb or low calorie



  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Like someone else mentioned, make sure you are eating enough protein and healthy fats first (I have set both for 30%).

    I try to get my carbs as much as possible from fruits, veggies and beans and avoid the white flour. Figure out your TDEE and eat 15% below that in calories.. So I guess what I am saying is low calorie (although for me it is not really that low :) and good carbs, not necessarily low carb :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Low calorie, no doubt. It's exceedingly difficult to obtain the all nutrients your body needs if you are eating too many carbs. Especially the processed kinds i.e. bread, pasta, cereals, crackers, sugary treats etc.

    Focus on 1. Getting enough protein - (so use MFP's numbers as minimums) then focus on 2. Enough fat: and then let your carbs fall where they will.

    Weight loss is all about calories in vs calories out - as long as you are getting your nutrient needs met.

    ..also, I wanted to say I love SadKitty's weight loss ticker. That's hilarious how the cat looks like it's watching the fish :laugh:
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    My vote is for low carb/HIGH FAT/Mod Protein. Fat keeps me full and satiated longer, as well as keeps my blood sugar in check which keeps my cravings at bay. Everything in moderation is a good option for those who aren't as affected by swings in their blood sugar by eating things like bread. I've never been able to have just a "little bit" of this or that, so it's easier for me to avoid. I'm a recovering carbaholic lol
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Ok, I have recently had my lap band removed due to complications after 2 years and 97 lbs lighter. I am going to try the remainder of my weight loss on my own. As I am tracking food, I notice everyday I am way under my caloric intake but over on carbs. Which I know fruits and veggies are your healthy carbs and you have to take in consideration the fiber, but what is best to do, LOW CARBS or LOW CALORIE?

    How about both?

    YES. this! You can't have unltd calories just because you're low carb. LC is simply a way to control cravings and set you up to make lasting changes so that you don't have to deprive yourself of delicious satiating foods so you can eat more of the foods that may cause you to be hungry in the first place. I say try both ways and decide based on how you feel and what you think you can stick to for good!