Wii Team For May!

TwentyTen Posts: 585
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey Again Everybody ,

It's a brand new month!!

Welcome any and all who use any of the Wii fitness games. Hoping to see all the newcomers and old friends continue on here and reach for those goals. If you are Wii-ing, please join in!!

Glad to see a new month, as I did a sad job of reaching my goals the last. I need a fresh start!
This month I am doing my 5 nights a week, come hell or high water.

How is everyone doing??


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I just started the EA Active 60 day challenge this morning. I have it on hard. I really like it so far. I will be Wii fitting tomorrow so I will let you know if I get any better scores. Gotta love the wii. I am on it 5 days a week wether it is EA Active, Wii Fit Plus or Just Dance. I will maintain this pace in May.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just did 35 minutes of EA Sports Active More Workouts. I like this version so much better than the first. The exercises are better and I really get into them since there are less boring and tedious ones. I burned 285 calories working out today, it was my 6 Week Challenge workout plus a 20 minute cardio workout. It definitely helped to get me back on track after a weekend visiting my alma mater up at Cornell. Lots of drinking and not too terrible on the eating. But still, time to regroup.
  • MommyNegray
    MommyNegray Posts: 10
    How do I join this? I do my wii fit every day and I love it!
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    I am using Wii Fit Plus although I don't feel like I am getting that great of a work-out. Anyone have any other suggestions for a better Wii work-out game???
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Do you have to have the Wii fit stuff or can it be Wii Sports?? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome CinthiaF and MommyNegray!

    MommyNegray - You just joined.

    CinthiaF - Any Wii will do.

    For May my goals are a mear 2-3 days a week for 15 minutes or more on my Wii Fit. I also do a Yoga class and I have a stationary bike at home. It's been hard to get on the Wii lately.

    TwentyTen- Thanks for starting the new thread!

    Good luck on setting and meeting goals this month everyone!

  • I am joining this thread..WE LOVE THE WII FIT PLUS:)....Kung fu...is my favorite....
    Besides doing the wii fit plus...I run on the eliptical and I am planning on starting yoga here soon..(ty for introducing me to yoga wii fit) lol;)....
  • MommyNegray
    MommyNegray Posts: 10
    My goal is to do it for at least 30 min. a day. My favorite is the bicycle one....the expert is really hard!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. How is everyone this morning?? Went to bed late last night be still got up at 11am. I feel tired but i am just going to have to get some feed and and exercise now to wake me up
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    Today I combined some things to make a longer work-out in Fit Plus and it was much better. I didn't realize I could do that before and I had to keep stopping and waiting for the scores and everything to add up. I enjoyed it much more today! I think I liked the biking the best.
  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    I am using Wii Fit Plus although I don't feel like I am getting that great of a work-out. Anyone have any other suggestions for a better Wii work-out game???

    I feel the same way, although once I stopped I started gaining weight.
    So happy I found this group, I will start Wii-ing as soon as I get home.
  • minilawyer
    minilawyer Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join. I've been at MFP for a few weeks and wii fit is my exercise of choice. Being a true couch potato, I do the wii free step while watching "Friends" episodes. LOL! I just got wii fit plus and like it - the biking game and the rhythm kung fu are fun. I need to build a workout routine. My goal for May is to do 30 minutes of wii fitness plus at least 5 days a week.

  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    I was doing Wii Fit at the begining of the year, but elbow surgery laid me up for 6 weeks and i haven't gotten back into it. This has inspired me to get back to it.
    How can I find the biking game?
  • minilawyer
    minilawyer Posts: 14 Member
    The biking game is on Wii Fit Plus. You basically walked on the wii board to pedal the bike and use the remote to steer.
  • burgee
    burgee Posts: 4 Member
    Only joined MFP a couple of days ago and started with the wii again last night. I did loose about 40lb in 2008 thanks to the wii fit, I was on it every night.

    Spent an hour on wii sports last night with tennis and boxing, am going to try to get back into the wii fit. I've got wii active but not used it much how have people got on with it?

    Happy Wii ing
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Greetings Burgee! I've been using EA Sports Active for the past few months and all my weight loss on here so far has been with doing that and hitting the elliptical for 50 minutes twice a week. I was using the EA Sports Active for a while, but I got kinda tired of the workouts and I invested in More Workouts as a reward for hitting 10 pounds lost. I LOVE the newer version, much better exercises, much better premade workouts, and the 6 Week challenge is great. I definitely recommend it, it's basically like have a personal trainer on your TV to guide you to a great workout. I'm always sweating by the end of it, and I've been doing about 30-35 minutes a day, burning 200-250 calories, sometimes more if there is a lot of cardio. It's my favorite workout game, although I haven't invested in the Wii Fit Plus yet. The $99 price tag has me hesitant, and I kinda need new clothes since mine are all too big right now. Maybe down the road I'll look into it as a gift or something.
  • MommyNegray
    MommyNegray Posts: 10
    Woohoo! Did an hour on the wii fit yesterday and had a 1.3 lb weight loss this morning. I am going to keep it up I think...1 hour a day 5 days a week! How do you combine the workouts so you don't have to wait for scores?
  • I did 30 minutes of yoga today on my wii fit...:) So much fun!!!..I love yoga!
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    I'm new and have been on my Wii for 22 days...love it! I also walk for half an hour I can honestly tell you that I am having fun and feel better. I'm in for May!
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Just did and 30 minutes with the Boxing Wii Sports game and man is it a workout :happy:
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