Looking for feedbacks on personal trainer

Has anyone worked with a personal trainer? Was it successful? Are they reasonably priced?
I have been working out on my own for about 30 years. I work out at home and in the gym. At home I use the Karen Voight videos and in the gym I take classes, use cardio machines and the weight machines. I'm not looking for an education on exercise machines. I'm just looking for a motivational buddy. I never had a personal trainer (primarily because they are too expensive for me), but would like to know if anyone has benefited from one and if this is part of their job description.


  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    What exactly are you trying to achieve? A personal trainer should be able to teach you about all the equipment in a given gym and hopefully good technique. (I'm not an expert on all the equipment but I get the pleasure of watching the trainers teach people stupid/dangerous exercises daily.) They should certainly be able to provide you with motivation while you work with them. They should also be able to set up a routine for you to follow. Most coaches and personal trainers are poorly informed about nutrition and following their advice would probably be a mistake. I talk to guys in my gym that have coaches and that are getting "guru'd" on a daily bases. Eating the wrong things, and the wrong quantities. They'll figure it out eventually after wasting a bunch of money and time with trainers that are terrible. Almost any information that you want is available on the web.

    If you want basic intro to lifting get someone from the gym to show you. It is better than nothing. I often just tell people to just watch the ripped guys' technique and compare it to what you see on the web from guys like Rippletoe. If you need nutritional information or a diet you may want to seek out a nutritionist. Though most all that information is available on the web as well.

    No, I've never used a personal trainer. Most of the information I get is from the web, the guys in the gym that know what they are doing or if I needed something more I'd ask my brother who is a personal trainer. :)
  • 57viv
    57viv Posts: 7 Member
    I always look for what credentials they hold and how long they've been training. I looked for a trainer for a year before I settled on one. My trainer had training in sports medicine and Kinesiology which is the study of the mechanics of body movement. Given my handicaps he knew how to work with me and I felt safe in his hands. He also wrote out my routine so when our sessions were over I could continue without him.
  • donnacervelli11
    donnacervelli11 Posts: 109 Member
    I just started working with a trainer recently. I took his group training classes at the gym for about a year before I signed up for private sessions. I got great results from his group classes, so I felt comfortable knowing that he knew what he was talking about in terms of the safe way to exercise and train.

    I think it really depends on what you hope to get out of the sessions. For me, it helps to work with him for motivation. I also have a specific goal in mind that he's helping me work towards by creating a routine that I can also do on my own if I choose.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I had one a while back. It all went great. I was learning alot. You could even say we became friends.

    Then he started pushing boundaries. Little things mostly. He'd ask to come by after work for a beer (he never bought any just drank what was in my fridge) then it got to the point where I would come home from work and he'd be in my drive just waiting for me like a lost dog. At first I felt bad for the guy he didn't have a whole lot of friends. The one's he did were Paleo and weren't too much fun to be around. Anyways, long story short he started calling me in the middle of the night, following me to work, calling my wife at work when he didn't know where I was, it all got a bit out of hand.

    He's currently in jail for violating a restraining order I placed against him.

    Hope this helps.
  • CMGoodie
    CMGoodie Posts: 93 Member
    Personal trainers are awesome for numerous reasons.
    1) If you happen to plateau and need something to break it...they know how.
    2) They push you to limits you didn't know you had which helps not only in weight loss, but in strength training.
    3) They can be your friend......unfortunately there isn't a sure way of identifying the one creep that may be out there...but most are really decent people.
    4) They ensure form is correct and can help correct improper form that may have developed.
    5) They can identify and correct improper muscle toning minimizing or eliminating any potential muscle damage.
    6) They have some knowledge of what to look for for those with some medical issues. They should ensure their clients are cleared by their doctors.

    If you can find one look for one that has a background in sports training, physical therapy, and or have experience in training.
    While looking for one, interview them..this is your health and your body. Ask to shadow a training session, ask for references and do a "background" check if you can.

    Depending on your location, the average price for a personal trainer is $45 per hour on up. I have worked with some that charged $100 per hour, but these are few and very experienced.

    I personally enjoy working with one. I get pushed to the limits, she hold me accountable for the things I need help in, and keeps my workouts full of variety allowing me add variety to my workouts when I am by myself
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    I used a trainer to get into shape for my wedding. It was fantastic; they push you a lot harder than you can go on your own, since they can catch the weight you can't finish pushing or look for signs that you're going too hard. A good trainer will get every last ounce of effort you can give during your session.

    Additionally, as if the trainer just being there and doing their thing wasn't enough, I know in the back of my head that for the price I'm paying to be here right now I better damn well push myself!!

    Lastly, even if you just do a short time with the trainer (I bought something like 24 sessions with mine and couldn't afford to renew), the things that they'll teach you will help you exercise on your own more effectively.