Food for Wellbeing From GPF The Messanger

Yet another sample of food for thought.

This means that if for someone else to be happy means you must knowingly sacrifice your happiness and that person is willing to let you do so, and you don’t feel good about it = THEN DON’T DO IT. Or that last piece of Cheesecake is going to make you feel good for that minute but ill the next. THEN DON’T DO IT.

That person, action or object is not worth that sacrifice if you know it will cause you discomfort.
Now this is growth on your part to differentiate your own self serving agenda or selfishness to be able to give or do things without pain of consciousness in doing so.

When you can achieve decision without discomfort in doing so then that is Eudemia. Your actions are then Just. This will allow you to always do right by yourself and others in spite of the discomfort because you know in the end it will bring you that peace you truly seek.

This applies to your Mental, Physical and Spiritual state of being in your personal and business relationships. Always attempt to do right. It really does make you feel better.

St Francis of Assisi wrote” … serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference… “ Wouldn’t your life be so much easier if every day you applied these principles?

Get rid of the Junk Food of your life. Eat healthy of those things that are healthy for you both tangible and intangible that are in the garden of your life. Be nurtured and grow in all positive ways in your garden and don ot allow weeds to inhabit your garden.

Live Long & Healthy
Get Physically Fit, LLC