For All You Binge Eaters



  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    I am a compulsive/emotional eater. I am in my own recovery (meaning I decided not to join OA), nor do I go to counseling (although I did go to counseling for a few sessions but it seemed that I was doing all of the talking and answering my own questions, so now I can just sit at home and talk to myself and respond without having to pay out of pocket - LOL). But, if you feel that you need counseling, it is an effective tool. Now that I have worked through most of my issues and insecurities (albeit continuous at least a bit longer, I assume), I am on my way to healthiness... in mind and body!! MFP has been an awesome support. Hearing from other people that they go through the same difficulties and struggles that I do, really does help. Also getting suggestions as to how other people resolve binges, weight gains, plateaus, etc., is a huge assistance. I first joined MFP in 2012; but quit logging in within a few weeks (and quit eating healthier and exercising, too). I came back to MFP in January 2013, after working on myself, realizing that I have to make some changes if I want to be healthy and strong when my future (hopefully) grandchildren begin arriving. I have lost 23 lbs and 11 inches in my abdominal/hip area (I take 3 measurements: hips, waist, and abs) since Dec. 28, 2012; and today I bought a new pair of jeans, going from a VERY tight size 14 (Lee's) to a bit tight 8 (Levi's 505), but 10 was too loose knowing I am still losing weight. I have somewhere between 15 to 27 lbs to go (not sure where I will actually end up in being content, but I am also monitoring my BMI and Fat Ratio, which, along with my waist measurement, are more important to me than the numbers on the scale).
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    There is nothing better than a group of people who know what you are going through to be there when coming off a binge cycle.

    People who don't do it really don't get it and 'tough love" just plays into my self condemnation which keeps me in a frame of mind that actually creates more triggers for another binge. Rational people who can remind me that I am more than a glutton and that quitting is not an option in a kind way are way more helpful!!!!:heart:

    I so agree with you on the tough love comment. I have also had some people say that it is all about self-control. Well, obviously, if I had self-control, I would not have reached the weight that I had!! People who do not have food addictions and experience emotional eating/binges, etc., just don't get it, and mostly do not understand. It is nice to have comrads on MFP! Keep up the great work you have been doing!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member