Lost the will to carry on



  • sherlc29
    sherlc29 Posts: 5 Member
    @iamliprell That was so inspirational! Thank YOU! I feel a little tear!! Sign up for a 5k or 8k your doing them already! :flowerforyou:
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    Your posting this here tells me that you haven't quite given up, or you would have just stopped logging and drifted away. There is lots of good advice here. This time of year many of us feel like giving in and sitting in the warm, in front of the fire and eating comfort food. But as someone said above you can start by doing small things.

    You could just log your food and make sure you don't put any more weight on for now.
    Then you could maybe do some exercise DVDs at home so you don't have to go out into a city you don't know.
    Add a few more friends on here for motivation and support. I'm happy to be added, though these days I'm only here to log food and maintain my current weight, I do log in every day and try and support my friends.

    I don't only work full time, I have to travel away for my job. This means I eat out all the time, I stay in hotels a lot and I'm always on the train where the food choices are less than healthy. I had to rethink my whole way of eating when out (only have a main course, eat things that aren't full of cheese/cream), I also got exercise DVDs that I could do in my hotel room in the evening in case the hotel didn't have a gym. And I made sure I planned my food for my journeys so I wasn't stuck with crisps and sandwiches. I didn't do it all in one go, I started with thinking about meals out and planning those, then built the rest in.

    So don't give up, you know you don't want to really. :happy:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I don't know how you guys and girls can stay committed to exercising and eating right I have lost to will to carry on. When I got a full time job it had me so busy I had no time to do anything. Then winter hit and I lost the will to walk, eat right etc. Now I made a huge move I moved to Ontario where I don't know anyone. here I am stuck at 210 and don't seem to interested in losing weight. Maybe I'm not meant to be thin or at a good weight... I know these sound like excuses but well they are but I have lost the will to do anything. Got any suggestion No rude comments pls

    I am going to give you some tough love...please don't take it as rude....

    I work 12 hour days. Up at 4 am to be at work by 5:30. I get off work between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. On gym days I get there by about 6:15-6:30p.m. Get my work out done (which is about 45 minutes - an hour or so long). On running days I change at work and run down by the river. I make the time. So I don't want to hear the excuse "I had no time to do anything." There is always time.

    My co-worker works the same schedule I do. Has 4 kids, pregnant with her 5th and is still finding time to do something. Since she is pregnant she is limited to what she can do, but she still walks or lifts light weights.

    Finally, if you want this...if you truly want this then you will stop at nothing to do it. You won't let excuses ruin the work you have already put in. You have to get your head in the game or you will fail. It is as simple as that. You have to want this more than anything in the world. And...if you go into this thinking you will fail, then you will fail.
  • benum21121
    benum21121 Posts: 200
    This thread is the reason I love this site- complete strangers offering support to someone that is struggling, because we've all been there before!! You all are awesome, and you are all good people, first and foremost. There MAY be hope for humanity yet!! :-D

    One of the main things that keeps me going- my MFP friends. Offering encouragement to THEM helps ME immensely. Getting the encourangement and accountablity from THEM is what keeps me going. I've made specific changes to my lifestyle and diet because I didn't want to 'let them down', so to speak. A strong support network is how people everywhere get through anything. Weight loss and lifestyle change is no different. Build your support network up and let others help you. They need your help, too..

    With all that said, please add me as a friend, if you'd like. I am a daily logger, and would love to be a part of your team, in your corner. :-)
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    been there felt like you are....and what I did was kept on moving forward with small steps. We live in a society when we want everything NOW.....well weight loss isn't easy . But by taking small steps every day you will soon be back with it. First log.....your food. try to walk at least 15 min a day and gradually add time ....drink the water. That is important . I'm not perfect everyday by a long shot.....but I keep at it. When you mess up make the next meal a on plan one. I plan for something I want to eat and then workout to help burn it....

    Get some good books to read. I find I'm always reading diet books to get ideas....but I also read alot of other books. Find something to like to do and make the time to do something for yourself.

    The best thing I do for my self is I take a day.....and make it my spa day. It doesn't cost anything except some time. I do my nails, condition my hair , do a facial, then I soak in the tub while listening to spa music or your favorite music, then I get a shower and shave legs, and condition my hair, get out rub lotion all over myself and get dressed. I feel amazing on this day and look great. I've done this for over 30 yrs. and you'd be amazed at the difference it will make for you. TREAT yourself kindly and the reward is great. Hope this helps and gave you some ideas.

    You have to kick the negative voice to the curb and grap hold of the positive voice and make the change for yourself. It's easy to be negative....but when you are your actions follow.....and you give up. Being positive you have the I can do it attitude and your actions follow that produce good results.

    The decision is in your hands. Do you want a life of negative and go no where..........or.............do you want a life of positive and go for the moon...........YOU can do it and I have faith that you will do the right thing. Just remember misery loves company........so it will fight you..............but.........you can overcome it and have a great fun filled new life. Choose life.

    God Bless and good luck.

    ps I started at 210 lbs and I weigh 153.5 as of this morning. Has it been easy, have I wanted to give up, have I been negative....you bet.....but I didn't QUIT! Go for the gold...it is so worth it.
  • db1reed
    db1reed Posts: 1
    Spring is the time to start anew. New growth, new learning, new movement.
    Forget the past. Clean your life of clutter.
    I was three pounds lighter last year at this time.
    But I was 6 pounds heavier in January.
    It happens. Start over.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I didn't make these changes at once.

    First, I started logging what I ate. Not counting things, or picking a magic number to stop at; just measuring (for accuracy) and logging.

    Second, I saw how bad my choices were. I started unconsciously eating less or picking better choices.

    Third, I chose to start changing my eating habits. I picked those magic numbers and made those calorie counts my weight-loss priority.

    Fourth, I figured that being more active wouldn't hurt. I just tried to move more when I could. I did not log it.

    Fifth, I felt like I was cheating myself to put this effort into moving more and not getting rewarded for it, so I started doing planned "exercise" and logging it.

    Sixth (where I am now), I realize that I feel like crap when I do not exercise, both physically and emotionally, so I exercise more days than I rest.

    Nowhere in these steps did I say I was perfect or did everything right all of the time. I fall off the wagon every once in a while, and sometimes I just fall into maintenance mode (although I am not even close to my goal weight) until I can resume my routine.

    The hardest thing I had to learn was how to forgive myself and pick myself back up. We all start out as "self-defeaters". When I started out, if I ate 100 calories over, I felt guilty. Now I don't care, because it all checks out in the end. For the past three days I've eaten 1000 calories over my goal and I don't feel guilty about it. Apparently I was hungry. If I gain a pound this week, it's not a big deal in the long run.

    Just follow these steps and you'll do just fine :)

    This is how I am doing it as well though I have yet to be interested in planning exercise and have still lost 50lbs in 8 months.
  • iamlaprell
    iamlaprell Posts: 71 Member
    @iamliprell That was so inspirational! Thank YOU! I feel a little tear!! Sign up for a 5k or 8k your doing them already! :flowerforyou:

    Aww, thank you, just sharing my story hoping it helps because I honestly never believed I could do it either and what's more, I didn't even want to!
  • shubieca
    shubieca Posts: 15 Member
    I have struggled for years with my weight, I was always skinny up until my mid 20's ( people used to call me lamp post) it hurt a lot !!
    then I started gaining weight, mostly my own fault too much Fast food and bad choices, Then in 2003 my weight hit 220lb my highest ever.. my mum died late 2002 and dad shortly after in 2003. Moved to Canada right after from the UK with my then husband 4 months later he left me alone in a new country, I made the descision right then... to be in control of the changes in my life from then on! I lost 60 lb in 14 weeks .. a bit fast I know,but I needed to be in control of my life for a change. I felt so good about myself and as I am a naturally bubbly person it showed not only on the outside but the inside too, I actually liked myself again Yeah!! kept the weight off ......Fast forward to 2008 : I am tired all the time, weight gain like you wouldn't believe even though I am not eating much differently, tests revealed that my Thyroid had stopped working completely :( by this time I had balloned to 203 lb again, back in Early Dec 2012 I finally hit breaking point when I saw a photo of myself, and decided I was gonna beat the odds even with no thyroid I was gonna lose the weight again, I lost 17 lb by myself and then hit a plateau and got so fed up, almost gave up but I have now focused on the prize, "my self esteem" a friend turned me on to MFP and have now lost another 17 pounds so nearly 35lb total.
    I just got off another plateau! man they are a real test, now I see an end in sight! I only need to lose another 8lb yeah... but I will still not give up, i will maintain rather than lose more weight. Finally what I am trying to say is never give up on yourself you are stronger than you realize, every thing is sent to test us we just have to pass the test. So set yourself a realistic goal for your lifestyle and commit to it, have a Treat night once a week so it does not get boring. Once those pounds start to drop off you will be spurred to continue on. Bottom line I guess is you have to really want to lose weight and be able to commit to the lifestyle change you sound like you do! so now believe in yourself and lose lose lose!! Good Luck Hun
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    It's not hard to stay committed when you know you no longer want to be fat. It's not hard to have the willpower when you never want to be stared at for being fat but instead stared at for suddenly being hot.