Weight Plateau

So I've been at a plateau now for about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks. I started insanity a week ago and I bought a HRM with chest strap so I know exactly what I'm burning. I've had my calorie intake at 1200.. I'm curious as to how much I should increase it to and anything else I can do to help me with this plateau, it's frustrating! Everything I find on the internet seems outrageous.

My stats: 5'2'', CW: 161, 22 years old.
Short term GW: 145
Long term GW: 125 (eventually!)

Any advice/links are helpful - Thanks :)

If you have similar goals or just want to be friends - feel free to add me, I love inspiring people!


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Do you eat exercise calories back for a start? You should be on more than 1200 if you're doing insanity.

    I'm 5'2" also and 151lbs (GW is 120-126lbs so very similar stats to you) and Insanity calculations have me on 1758 cals a day, I decided to go with that instead of MFP's settings plus exercise. To be fair, MFP has me on more than 1300 anyway so 1200 is definitely too low for you.

    I'm in week 4 now of Insanity, I've lost 1lb only but my 3 week progress photos show major changes in my body. Do a google search, the general consensus is that month one you don't tend to lose much, if any weight, month 2 is where that happens.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I've lost around 8 lbs in month 1, but that was only after I upped my calories from 1,200 to 1,500. And I will up them more when month 2 rolls around (recovery week now). Read the nutrition guide. They tell you how to calculate your caloric needs when you do Insanity.
  • ClaireSmith811
    ClaireSmith811 Posts: 32 Member
    I've lost 21lb since October going from 154lb down to 133lb and I've been stuck here for weeks aswell! I don't do much exercise apart from the odd walk and stick to 1200 cals a day. Just wish the scale would move!