Drinking wine


Im an avid wine drinker..and i just wanted to know if anyone is of the opinion that having a glass or two several times per week will affect my weight loss progress significantly. if i exercise daily or at least 4-5 times a week, and stay within my calorie allowance then do I really need to give it up completely? Thoughts??.....


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Log it, and make sure it fits in your calories.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I have a bottle of white spread out across the week and I am still losing weight. I count the calories in with my food so tend to only have a glass if I have spare calories at the end of the day and I'm not hungry.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Do your measures properly. A glass of wine varies between 125ml to over 1/3 of a bottle, and the alcohol content varies almost as much.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Since your daily calories are quite low, I would suggest making sure you're getting enough nutrients before enjoying the wine. 200-300 calories worth of wine is very easy to fit into a 2000-calorie day, but it's a significant percentage of your calories at 1200.
  • bridge1101
    bridge1101 Posts: 15 Member
    im pretty good about logging so..i guess im asking if anyone thinks drinking wine as much as i do will prevent faster weight loss
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Well, that depends. If you look at my diary for last night, you'll see I was 600 over my goal. I had three beers which would have put me over anyways. Then, I have more problems saying "no" to goodies when drinking, and so I had a cupcake. I would have done a lot better without drinking. Typically, I drink less (only 2 beers at the most, and usually every other week), which has helped.

    You don't seem to be loggin here, but I would agree with majope; you need to concentrate on eating all of your nutrients first if you are actually limiting yourself to 1200 calories. At that low of a calorie intake, I would think wine would need to be more of a rare treat as opposed to a daily glass or two.
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    I don't think that the wine in itself will prevent weight loss, but it is essentially 'empty calories' with no nutritional value. If you love your wine and having a few glasses each week helps prevent you feeling deprived and therefore enables you stick to your eating plan then it could be a treat worth having. However if having a glass of wine makes you want to eat junk then steer clear of it. If you do drink then ensure that you log carefully and enjoy the wine as a treat not a daily essential.

    I had got into the habit of having a glass of wine while cooking dinner and then found that the one glass was topped up by well meaning husband so that I couldn't tell how much I'd actually had. I now only have wine on the weekend, and he is under strict instruction not to refill the glass unless asked!
  • bridge1101
    bridge1101 Posts: 15 Member
    Well, that depends. If you look at my diary for last night, you'll see I was 600 over my goal. I had three beers which would have put me over anyways. Then, I have more problems saying "no" to goodies when drinking, and so I had a cupcake. I would have done a lot better without drinking. Typically, I drink less (only 2 beers at the most, and usually every other week), which has helped.

    You don't seem to be loggin here, but I would agree with majope; you need to concentrate on eating all of your nutrients first if you are actually limiting yourself to 1200 calories. At that low of a calorie intake, I would think wine would need to be more of a rare treat as opposed to a daily glass or two.

    I calculated what my calorie intake should be because i realise it is actually quite low on mfp..i end up hungry at the end of the day

    ..my friend who is a nutritionist told me i need generally around 1900..thats if i incorporate light exercise 1-3x week in order to reach my goal weight. 2100 for moderate exercise 3-5 days per week.

    I was logging quite frequently, then the bank holiday messed me up..but im back on it...anyway..im not even sure im reaching 1600 per day..i usually fall somewhere around 1400-1500. including my wine intake..lol.
  • bridge1101
    bridge1101 Posts: 15 Member
    my husband does the same!!

    but yeah the meals are generally pretty good, nutritionally speaking....i dont usually crave junk..just perhaps more of the food i've already prepared...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Well, that depends. If you look at my diary for last night, you'll see I was 600 over my goal. I had three beers which would have put me over anyways. Then, I have more problems saying "no" to goodies when drinking, and so I had a cupcake. I would have done a lot better without drinking. Typically, I drink less (only 2 beers at the most, and usually every other week), which has helped.

    You don't seem to be loggin here, but I would agree with majope; you need to concentrate on eating all of your nutrients first if you are actually limiting yourself to 1200 calories. At that low of a calorie intake, I would think wine would need to be more of a rare treat as opposed to a daily glass or two.

    I calculated what my calorie intake should be because i realise it is actually quite low on mfp..i end up hungry at the end of the day

    ..my friend who is a nutritionist told me i need generally around 1900..thats if i incorporate light exercise 1-3x week in order to reach my goal weight. 2100 for moderate exercise 3-5 days per week.

    I was logging quite frequently, then the bank holiday messed me up..but im back on it...anyway..im not even sure im reaching 1600 per day..i usually fall somewhere around 1400-1500. including my wine intake..lol.

    You can actually go into goals and customize them to put in your higher calorie goal. Then it won't yell at you all the time for being over. And I agree; that sounds much more reasonable than 1200. :smile:
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    I would think drinking wine from time to time wouldn't be a big deal, as long as you account for it in your log.

    I personally have stopped drinking alcohol (unless a "special" occasion) as I found my body would really react to it. I found the next day my weight would drop by about .5#, but then go up about 1-2#s for a few days. I also read an article highlighting the work our livers do when trying to lose weight & figured I wouldn't add extra strain to it (by processing alcohol), when I wanted it to be munching up all my fat cells.

    Everyone reacts differently to different foods / drinks / nutrients, I think its all about figuring out what works best for you.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    I log mine and compensate with exercise. My diet is really clean otherwise. I have cut back a little bit in the last few months and haven't noticed any drop. I've read some things involving alcohol/cortisol that even if you're counting the calories, your waistline won't shrink. Does anyone know anything about this?
  • Cryck84
    Cryck84 Posts: 24 Member
    I count my wine, and usually only have it on days I have exercised - then I have "earned" it.

    I agree that if this is your treat and you are keeping on track with your plan, then if it ain't broken don't fix it!

    Cute that hubby topped it up for you ;) My boyfriend doesn't do that anymore, not after watching me diligently measure out my 5 oz glass of wine!
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member

    ... and then found that the one glass was topped up by well meaning husband so that I couldn't tell how much I'd actually had. I now only have wine on the weekend, and he is under strict instruction not to refill the glass unless asked!

    ^^^^^^^^:laugh: mine, too! :laugh:

    I am on a 1650 cal plan and I found that wine DID and DOES slow down my weight loss. I used to have it during the week but have cut down to only weekends. I still have the very occasional glass during the week but not often. You can still enjoy your wine just do it knowing that you might not lose at quickly. And as everyone else has stated, make sure it doesn't lead to snacking.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Shot me now if I have to give up wine. Has never been an issue for me to lose and drink wine.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Drink your wine!!!! Just make sure you exercise enough to compensate for it!!!! I drink a bottle of red Merlot a night! for health reasions ya know. A glass of wine is good for your heart. A bottle is better!!!! :devil:
  • Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent heart disease by increasing levels of "good" cholesterol and protecting against artery damage.

    Enjoy a glass of red wine; the calories you save are simply not worth the benefits associated with moderate consumption.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    By volume, wine is much lower in calories than just about every other alcoholic drink. Red wine also has anti-oxidants in it which are good for you. A couple of glasses a day for men, one glass a day for women is what's recommended. It's also heart healthy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Im an avid wine drinker..and i just wanted to know if anyone is of the opinion that having a glass or two several times per week will affect my weight loss progress significantly. if i exercise daily or at least 4-5 times a week, and stay within my calorie allowance then do I really need to give it up completely? Thoughts??.....

    No, it's just calories.
  • cheryljanine
    cheryljanine Posts: 20 Member
    my opinion only I do drink a fair amount of wine myself. But I totally noticed that if I do not drink M-F I lose a lot more during that week. I think the sugars in the wine do something in your body. If you are really curious about it, don't drink for a few days and see for yourself.