GNC AMP Wheybolic 60

Anybody have any advice on this? I went into GNC to buy a protein powder. The guy really pushed this one on me. I plan to only use 2 scoops instead of the 3 scoop serving. It was definitely a bit pricey. I'm beginning to wonder if the guy was just pushing it towards me because they are pushed to sell it, not because he was genuine. I had been using BioRhythm 100% Whole Gains. It worked better for me as a meal replacement because of the additional nutrient factors that it had over the AMP 60, which seems to just be good for extra protein with very little sugar/fat/carbs at my expense.

Anyways... I am rambling now. Any opinions? I got the banana. It's ok tasting, but it blends super easy though.


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I've tried it... it's pretty good, but like you said, WAY expensive.

    I've switched to Optimum Nutrition, which is generally considered one of the better proteins out there, and it's half the price.
  • I agree with jackson, optimum is always ranked the best. GNC is way over priced, if you like going there make them price match the vitamin shoppe.
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    I would suggest skipping the trip to GNC unless you know exactly what you want and have a hefty bank account.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    I went in there with every intention of getting ON, and the guy talked me out of it. Looks like GNC will be a no-no from now on.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    I can't stand GNC. I go to Nutrishops. I'm very picky with after taste and everything I've tried at GNC has a bad after taste. I also started comparing fillers and the kind of proteins. It's amazing what junk is out there.
  • I just finished a bag of GNC chocolate that I had. It mixes very well and the taste is good, but it is too expensive.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    I unfortunately am not very knowledgeable about the fillers and types of protein :/
  • jackaroo21
    jackaroo21 Posts: 127 Member
    Great protein, but it is too expensive. I started out using that stuff, but found there are much cheaper powders out there that do the same thing.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    That seems to be what everyone is telling me.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    GNC guys make money based off of commission, so there is no doubt in my mind that he pushed this on you. I worked at a similar store here in AZ and hated having to "push" product on people. That's why I don't work there any more! ;) Optimum Nutrition is a great brand. The quality of the product is as good as any other and it's less expensive. Plus for only 124 calories you get 24-25 grams of protein.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    I went to return it, but I lost my stupid receipt! The same guy was there again. He remembered me and everything. They still wouldn't take it back :( I'm not going back there anymore for sure now... Such a waste of $$ and patience lol. Finishing this tub, and then switching to ON! Thanks for the advice :)
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Like Optimum but thinking on switching to Carnivor. Numbers all except for price are better. Anyone tried carnivor?
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    I go on gold week only. Everything else, I buy from body building dot com. Cheap and standard shipping arrives next day.
  • Nimadi486
    Nimadi486 Posts: 93 Member
    I have one scoop post workout every day. It really helps with recovery, at you height and weight you probably don't need 2 scoops. Plus only having 1 scoop makes it last longer. Also, they are almost always buy one get one half off so I usually by 2 at a time to save $. Side note, the next time you go to GNC pick up some chocolate chip cookie dough quest bars, they are freaking delicious. A bit pricey, but very tasty.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Basically all it is is GNC's own equivalent to Optimum Nutrition's Pro Complex. And Pro Complex is far superior in terms of quality.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I go to GNC as there is one close to me and I haven't found any other stores with better prices really. Protein powder is expensive, the 5lb tub I buy is about $100, but it's good for 77 servings at 24g protein a pop. GNC has some great sales though, I bought my last two tubs at 50% off. I also purchased the gold membership for $15 bucks, which gets me 20% off on the first week of the month. That'll pay for itself quick...

    I buy ON Whey. It's great, and the Cookies and Cream flavor with 8 oz of 2% lactaid milk is seriously awesome tasting. I mean, I look forward to it every day and I'm lactose intolerant... not sure why but it doesn't phase me.

    That said, I would never walk in to a "wellness" store and ask the sales person's opinion on anything. I just don't trust them at all, the potential for broscience and salesmanship is through the roof.

    I do my research, go in and get what I need. If they start asking about anything else I just kinda cut them off politely before they even get started.

    Also, I don't buy anything with a fancy name. If it has the terms "monster" "maximum" "power" "muscle" "lean muscle" or any stupid portmanteu words I am immediately turned off.
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    They tried to push that on my husband and I when we went there to pick up some Optimum Nutrition. The only reason we even went there to get it is because we had a Groupon to use up... otherwise I know better than to step foot in there. They just didn't want to give up on trying to convince us that it was better than ON, and it became pretty obvious that they were pushing it for commission's sake. I've worked sales, I know how it is... but sheesh.

    Moral of the story: ON Whey in the Double Rich Chocolate flavor is really good, less expensive, and doesn't require going to GNC to purchase it.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    I'll do the one scoop only to make it last longer then. The guy did tell me that it was awesome for post workout recovery. I guess we shall see. I'll have to try those bars out whenever I can brave to go in there again and not walk out broke haha. I did get a gold card, seeing that it would pay for itself quickly. I am not going to listen to them anymore though. I am always that person who is too nice! This dude totally saw me as a walking target lol.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    People at GNC get paid a commission bonus based on selling GNC brand products as well as whatever the specials are. That was how I got turned onto C4. I tried it based on the recommendations of a GNC sales rep and liked it. It also happened to be on special at the time. A few months later I go back, same sales rep. He tells me C4 isn't all that great and I should try something else. Which happened to be a special that month.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    That's so messed up. It makes me never want to go in there anymore and just buy everything online. I couldn't feel good about myself just telling people whatever so that I get my money.