Competitive friends...

MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
So...I have this friend of mine. I care about her dearly, but being around her stresses me out.

Anybody know people like this? She has to be the skinniest...have the cutest clothes...the best stories and jokes, the most work drama...

Well recently I got a puppy. She has wanted one for a long time-but my husband and I have been talking about getting one since before I had met her. As soon as she found out we were planning to finally buy a puppy, she became more competitive and jealous.

An aside that is relevant to the story: People tell me all the time I look like Zooey Deschanel. I do love her style and have adopted her look to a degree...Well, my friend informs me that she has decided to cut her hair a Zooey-esque style. I asked if she dyed her hair (she's been a redhead for years) and she said she dyed it red. Come to find out it's DARK dark red...nearly brown.

She's looking more and more like me. She focuses constantly on her weight and exercise despite the fact that she's a size 0 and I'm a size 6. I have told her that talking about weight so much bothers me and she apologized...but since then it hasn't improved.

This feels a bit like a toxic friendship. Thoughts?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Annoying. I would seriously limit time with someone like that. They suck the fun right out of life.
  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    Cool off the friendship, if she doesn't get the hint then just tell her.