Falling off the wagon

My boss joked that I fell of the diet wagon this morning but considering my breakfast I would say that I didn't fall off but rather jumped off and ran in the opposite direction! On the other hand I did go walking, intend on going walking again at lunch and am going to my first Zumba class tonight so I hope the damage isn't to bad.

Anyone else have days where they are so hungry for junk they just can't help it? I am new at this and have never dieted in my life so in the aspect I am just a baby... kind of needing some support really.


  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Yesss! I definitely have days where all I want to do is eat, eat, eat and eat some more! Don't let it get you down :) Make sure you get your exercise in and don't beat yourself up over days where you eat a little over your calories
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Of course it happens :)
    The important thing is to remember that it is just one day and to get back on track the next day!

    Like many people on this site, I don't look at this as a diet but as a lifestyle change. There are going to be days where I eat junk, but that won't make me gain all my weight back. ...as long as I don't let it become a habit.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    I have found the best way to get over something I really want is to have it. I usually do a real small portion, and then like you said, alot of exercise. It gets me past the craving, and hasn't killed my program yet. I do limit it to once a week. 2 weeks ago I was so missing my chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast that we usually have every other weekend. So when we made pancakes that morning, I added 1 tablespoon if chocolate chips instead of 1/4 cup. I got my fix, rode bike twice that day, and din't gain a pound. Of course I didn't loose anything that day either, but I was ok with that. Just get back on it and you will be fine!
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    If you can stay motivated to make it 2 to 3 weeks with healthy/clean food,the cravings for junk and sweets will actually go away.Believe it or not and with out going into all of the science behind it,your body once cleansed will get to a point that while you may still get hungry at times you won't have the cravings for the junk.

    Good luck!
  • kwelborn2873
    You are going to love Zumba! I have been doing it now for 2 months and I think it shows. I get more of a workout doing an hour of Zumba than if I spent hours upon hours of just doing the treadmill and eplitical. I still do all of that and my strength training but Zumba is a lot more fun. On the days you do Zumba you can have a little extra because you are going to be burning so many more calories on those days but don't go crazy with your food. Just use your head and make smart choices. Good luck with your class tonight.

  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Your boss sounds like a jerk!

    everyone has those days :) Lets not use the word 'diet' .... It's just ... so temporary! lol

    If it's your first time eating right, I suggest honestly starting small, you will see results and more likely stick with it if you do it in small steps ..

    My first small step was sugar! Everything I bought I looked at the sugar content, then tried to find sugar free or low sugar alternatives (like my oatmeals) Gave up Pop and fruit juices, etc ... did that for a week or two, then eventually worked up to cutting portion sizes, before altering my diet completely. Still ate My spaghetting with meat balls, just half of what I used to

    Once I started seeing results from these small changes, (and they are small) Naturally I wanted more results so started just plain ol eating better ...
  • skyking5280
    Just think of it this way, there are lots of things in your life that the first time that you tried you were not very good at and then later with a lot of effort and or support you were able to accomplish that task easily later. Dieting is like that. You really have to find what is best for you. I have always enjoyed going to the gym and puching myself, but I used that as an excuse to eat more. Sort of a defeatist attitude, but here I am again and this time I have a plan and several goals. I have been doing alot of reading and research on all of the different techniques for weigh loss and the simlier the better. Less calories in then burned for the day=weight loss (DCB+ECB)<DCC=WL ((DCB=Daily Calories Burned)+(ECB=Exercised Calories Burned))<DCC(Daily Calories Consumed)=Weight Loss(WL)
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    YES! Please don't beat yourself up over your momentary slip. I've only recently figured out that if I deprive myself of something, I will crave it until I eat it. My motto for this go-round of dieting is anything in moderation. And it is working. This is the first "diet" I have stuck to for more than a week. I feel like I am eating all day long, never go to bed hungry, and rarely go over my calorie goal. I think in five weeks I've only gone over once, and even that didn't put me over my weekly calorie goal. In 5 weeks, I've lost 15 pounds. There is nothing like progress to keep you focused. If you want a donut for breakfast, have ONE, but choose the one wisely and balance it with some protein and fiber (a light yogurt with inulin fiber works well) to keep you from being hungry again quickly. If I want to indulge, I try to budget my calories for the day around the "treat" and add in an extra walk or some other form of exercise to increase my calorie allowance for that day. Everybody has cravings. If you do slip, just get right back on track. You can do it!
  • ZekeandKyliesMom
    ZekeandKyliesMom Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks guys you have really made me feel better! I have been making small changes lately like when I have my coffee in the morning I still have my carmel syrup and my french vanilla cremer but it is sugar free and every bit as good.

    I have been trying to do better on my calories but thats not really what gets me its the fat content of some of the food I eat, like ranch dressing(its one of my biggest weaknesses). I for the life of me cannot get myself to like the light or fat-free ranch I don't know why its just not as good to me.

    One of my biggest problems also is that the food we have in our home is not exactly healthy and we don't have the money right now to restock the fridge and pantry with healthy stuff, so we are kind of stuck eating what we have and when I do that I use up my calories and fat and everything really fast.

    By the way Serenifly my boss really isn't that bad she is just one of those people that has a funny sense of humor and just kind of blurts everything out. lol