It's one o'clock and here I sit soooooooo tired. I eat healthy, and enough. I exercise enough. Most nights I get at least 6 or more hours of sleep. But i'm soooo tired. Like dragging myself through water tired.

So what I'm looking for is tips on how you, my lovely MFP peeps, energize yourselves. Of course there's caffeine fixes... but what else? Caffeine can't be the only thing keeping you amazing people going all day. How do you get past the 3:00 hump?


  • kristina0579
    What is your net calorie intake?

    Up until two weeks ago, I was limiting myself to 1200 calories no matter how many calories I burned during exercise and was tired and getting dizzy/lightheaded at times...
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    What is your net calorie intake?

    Up until two weeks ago, I was limiting myself to 1200 calories no matter how many calories I burned during exercise and was tired and getting dizzy/lightheaded at times...


    Increased my calories by just a few hundred and a few days later I was hitting the gym like a brand new person.
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    Have you had your thyroid level checked?
  • rachelabdy
    rachelabdy Posts: 52 Member
    I think your calories are too low. I found I felt the same about a month ago and couldn't believe how "not myself" and fatigued I felt, it was an effort to move around!
    So I re-calculated my calories (in the goals) and dropped to losing 1 pound a week instead of 2 - so now the extra 150-200 cals per day has made all the difference.
    And I noticed a change within 3 days - so you could try and if you find you're not feeling better - go to your GP ASAP.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    You might want to head to the Doctorand have a blood test for any vitimin deficiencies. I put up with being exhausted for a very long time only to find out that I was severely iron defficient. Still working my way back from it after 3 months of supplements but some of my symptoms (head spins and dizziness) are gone
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Me too!!! I think its because the amount of exercise I do in comparison to what I eat on a daily basis . Food is used as fuel and energy, but if you don't eat enough and drink enough water, you get tired. Plan to have 5-6 meals a day and have snacks ready !
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It's one o'clock and here I sit soooooooo tired. I eat healthy, and enough. I exercise enough. Most nights I get at least 6 or more hours of sleep. But i'm soooo tired. Like dragging myself through water tired.

    So what I'm looking for is tips on how you, my lovely MFP peeps, energize yourselves. Of course there's caffeine fixes... but what else? Caffeine can't be the only thing keeping you amazing people going all day. How do you get past the 3:00 hump?
    Possibly not eating enough. I peeked at your diary and it looks like you're set at 1270 a day, and I see strength training in your exercise diary...and only 10lbs to lose? I would guess your calories are too low. You don't have a lot to lose, so a small deficit is better than a larger one. And if you're doing any weight lifting, proper fueling is very important. Are you taking rest days?
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I think you should try sleeping 7 to 7 1/2 hours per night. Think about what you said. You only sleep 6 hours most nights and you are tired. Listen to your body. If its tired all the time, give it rest. I would also listen to the people telling you to eat more. If you're not eating less per doctor's orders, sedentary, or 5'0 you can eat more and still lose weight. If you find it hard finding energy mid afternoon, make lunch your biggest meal of the day.

    edit: (saw food diary) try eating less sodium and drinking more water.
  • stringling
    I just finished up a Lent experiment, in which I abstained from caffeine for the full 40ish days. It was somewhat hard at first; I'm not a caffeine addict but I am a very regular user. I didn't have headaches, and it took a couple weeks to get used to the new feeling, but I was amazed at how energized I was able to feel without any caffeine, period. The biggest pick-me-up was exercise. No matter what is going on in my life, if I exercise (even as simple as walking or stretching), my energy level stays up. The other thing for me personally is potential iron deficiency, so I take a multivitamin called Hemaplex that makes a noticeable difference in my energy level.
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    It's one o'clock and here I sit soooooooo tired. I eat healthy, and enough. I exercise enough. Most nights I get at least 6 or more hours of sleep. But i'm soooo tired. Like dragging myself through water tired.

    So what I'm looking for is tips on how you, my lovely MFP peeps, energize yourselves. Of course there's caffeine fixes... but what else? Caffeine can't be the only thing keeping you amazing people going all day. How do you get past the 3:00 hump?

    Add some super food snacks into your diet! Kale, beets, foods rich in iron and Vitamin K can help this type of issue. You may take a look at what you're eating and see if anything appears to be missing. Vitamin D and iron deficiencies can cause extreme tiredness too. Intermittent exercise i.e taking a short walk, standing up to stretch, etc can get the blood flowing if you have to sit for long periods of time too. (Not sure if you do... but in case you do!)
  • Rosegardenia
    Rosegardenia Posts: 53 Member
    See your doctor. I was exhausted all the time and turns out I have an autoimmune disease. It isn't natural to be tired to the point of exhausted all the time - if you are and have been for a while, get it checked out. Though maybe try a few days proper rest first - normal eating, light or no exercise and see what happens.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    how much red meat do you eat? I haven't read all the responses so sorry if I am repeating information, but fatigue is a sign of an iron deficiency...I used to be dragging through workouts and could not figure out what was wrong with me until someone pointed out that I may be low in iron if I don't eat enough red meat. Sure enough as soon as I got some iron back into my system I felt better.

    I also found I don't get the afternoon drop if I avoid sugar or foods high on the glucose scale.

    Hope this helps
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    You guys are all so awesome! Thanks for all the input.

    I am going to...

    *cut down on sodium
    * drink more water
    * up my calories a couple hundred each day
    * and remember to take my vitamin everyday.

    Hopefully that will help out. I would try to sleep more, but I usually struggle to even get the 6ish hours that I do. I hate doctors and think that usually it's healthier to try to cure health issues with lifestyle changes. But I do get a physical and bloodwork done every year and nothing has ever been an issue there.

    You guys rock... I have a couple friend spots open if any of you want to be pals... send me a request.

    :) Jenny
  • CorpusKristi
    CorpusKristi Posts: 6 Member
    May need to see your doc and have some labwork to be on the safe side...could be anemia, thyroid, etc. Hope this helps!!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Try taking some B complex vitamines, low B is a very common cause of fatigue, and even if it ends up not being the reason, it cannot hurt you to try!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Have you ever had your thyroid checked? I was always tired..found out I was hypothyroid..i am now medicated ..and LOVE IT..
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I think you should try sleeping 7 to 7 1/2 hours per night. Think about what you said. You only sleep 6 hours most nights and you are tired. Listen to your body. If its tired all the time, give it rest. I would also listen to the people telling you to eat more. If you're not eating less per doctor's orders, sedentary, or 5'0 you can eat more and still lose weight. If you find it hard finding energy mid afternoon, make lunch your biggest meal of the day.

    edit: (saw food diary) try eating less sodium and drinking more water.

    This. The average amount of sleep people need is between 7-9 hours. Unfortunately I'm one of the 9 hour folks. I'm sure there are plenty of people who can get by on 6, but I'm exhausted if I try. Are you struggling to get 6 because of scheduling or because of sleep issues? If you aren't even getting a quality 6 hours that sounds like a pretty big reason you're feeling tired.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    I agree with B-complex - it's an energy booster. Make sure you're getting enough potassium, too. And I hate to say it since you already talked about it, but people need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Could you get in a nap somewhere?
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    I would try to sleep more, but I usually struggle to even get the 6ish hours that I do

    You could have a sleeping disorder. I was experiencing the same kind of exhaustion, among other things. My doctor ran at least a dozen blood tests, and everything was normal. I'm doing a sleep study next month.