Any tips to get through Week ONE!

So it's Day 3, and why have i already had thoughts of eating a whole pizza by myself! (I LOVE pizza) I usually can only eat 3 slices and that's STUFFING myself, but since yesterday (Day 2) I am craving pizza and thought mmmmm a whole pizza just for me lol. I have lost weight before, and have been needing to focus on myself for almost a year and half now BUT as a new mom (Son is 17 months today!) I'm still learning how to juggle my time so my efforts have basically been half-a** ....I decided it's long overdue and started working out after work this week too. I just don't remember focusing for week one being this difficult EVER. I told my husband I had the urge to eat a whole pizza....but that I would fight it and reward myself with an entire pizza when i lost 10 lbs (knowing that i can't possibly even eat it by myself, but it's the idea of it all ok) ....he pops my balloon and says be reasonable lol. Let me just clarify....i'm not hungry. I am not starving myself. I have been eating, tracking my calories, snacking, drinking lots of water.It's all IN MY HEAD!!!! Grr!

Can someone please provide tips for mentally getting through my day?? I had a picture of skinnier self when i went to Vegas on my phone as motivation while i was working out and that worked, but it's not really ok to put up a pic of me in a bikini at work LOL :) Thx in advance guys!


  • KristyTonn
    KristyTonn Posts: 46 Member
    I am right there with you. I am 8 weeks in and doing better with cravings, but there are still days. Stick with it, it does get easier I think. My first thought was to make a healthier pizza? I like to take flat out wraps, which are like a tortilla, and are about 100 calories, add some pizza sauce, some mozzarella cheese, and some turkey pepperoni. Bake in oven maybe at 375/400 til cheese melts and crust starts to crisp. Delicious! My other thought is to have some of what you are wanting. I find if I tell myself I "can't" have something, I crave it and want it, and want a LOT of it. If I have a little of it once and a while, the cravings aren't as bad or as often.

    Good luck!
  • SandiCakes
    SandiCakes Posts: 9 Member
    That's a great idea, maybe even on whole wheat tortillas. I have been eating tuna for lunch (with different mix-ins) because i love tuna and it's easy. Then I have the more creative meals for dinner at home with the family. Looks like i'll have to start getting creative with my lunches and maybe that will make is seem easier.
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Pizza is my Kryptonite :) I take the smallest slice on the pie, cut it in 1/2 and eat it slowly... just really enjoying the flavors. For me, it has been all about MODERATION until I got a handle on eating properly. Hang in and good luck!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Tell yourself the truth (if it's the truth) that you've made a decision about what's important to you. That YOU are in control not your cravings. Even though many people with lasting results end with a full lifestyle change, everyone splurges a little sometimes, it's just not your time yet. It's not like you'll never ever have pizza again. Set a date and goal: If I behave for a month I can have a piece of pizza (not a whole damn pizza lol).
  • SandiCakes
    SandiCakes Posts: 9 Member
    Tell yourself the truth (if it's the truth) that you've made a decision about what's important to you. That YOU are in control not your cravings. Even though many people with lasting results end with a full lifestyle change, everyone splurges a little sometimes, it's just not your time yet. It's not like you'll never ever have pizza again. Set a date and goal: If I behave for a month I can have a piece of pizza (not a whole damn pizza lol).

    hahahaha!!! i love the last line!! I wouldn't be able to eat all of that even if i did want to. Just reading your post made me feel empowered though, thank you! I AM in control, not my cravings. BOOYAH!

    I don't want to say "if i behave" because that's all a matter of perspective. I will, though, have 2 slices of pizza when i lose 10 lbs! :D (i'm hoping i won't even want it by then!) ...i am going to try the healthy whole wheat version and see how that goes.
  • stressederica33
    Hmmm.. I'm on Day 3 and think i've failed already- i gave into Ribs and Chicken and chips tonight :-_.. although begining to think i didn't really want it and now feel like a beached Whale!

    Anyway forwards and upwards (or downwards i hope!).

    Does anyone have tips on finding out items not listed on the app?

  • SandiCakes
    SandiCakes Posts: 9 Member
    Hmmm.. I'm on Day 3 and think i've failed already- i gave into Ribs and Chicken and chips tonight :-_.. although begining to think i didn't really want it and now feel like a beached Whale!

    Anyway forwards and upwards (or downwards i hope!).

    Does anyone have tips on finding out items not listed on the app?


    Hi S,
    You only fail if you quit trying!!! I am only on Day 3 as well, but we've gotta stay focused girlie!! :) As for the items on the app, you can search a ton of foods on their database. You can even scan barcodes. You can add them as well. Or do you mean food ideas? Either way, keep track of everything and add me if you want to hang in there together!! We can keep each other motivated :D
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Tell yourself the truth (if it's the truth) that you've made a decision about what's important to you. That YOU are in control not your cravings. Even though many people with lasting results end with a full lifestyle change, everyone splurges a little sometimes, it's just not your time yet. It's not like you'll never ever have pizza again. Set a date and goal: If I behave for a month I can have a piece of pizza (not a whole damn pizza lol).

    hahahaha!!! i love the last line!! I wouldn't be able to eat all of that even if i did want to. Just reading your post made me feel empowered though, thank you! I AM in control, not my cravings. BOOYAH!

    I don't want to say "if i behave" because that's all a matter of perspective. I will, though, have 2 slices of pizza when i lose 10 lbs! :D (i'm hoping i won't even want it by then!) ...i am going to try the healthy whole wheat version and see how that goes.

    You are totally right :) I should have said WHEN you behave for a month or lose X lbs or w/e. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    My don't have to deny yourself things you enjoy. Eat good, wholesome, nutrient dense foods most of the time...get your veg and fruit and lean proteins and healthy fats...but you can enjoy yourself too...just fit it into your calorie goal. When you deprive yourself, you tend to binge and ultimately fail. You need to build a diet (noun) that is going to be sustainable forever...not just until you reach goal. The only thing that should change when you reach goal is to up calorie to maintenance and set a new goal.

    I occasionally eat pizza...I drink beer...I gorged myself at a BBQ a few weekends ago...I eat what I want to eat...6 months in and 32 Lbs down and I'm not stressed or hungry or craving this or that...just livin' life and life is awesome.
  • elisedcan
    My don't have to deny yourself things you enjoy. Eat good, wholesome, nutrient dense foods most of the time...get your veg and fruit and lean proteins and healthy fats...but you can enjoy yourself too...just fit it into your calorie goal. When you deprive yourself, you tend to binge and ultimately fail. You need to build a diet (noun) that is going to be sustainable forever...not just until you reach goal. The only thing that should change when you reach goal is to up calorie to maintenance and set a new goal.

    I occasionally eat pizza...I drink beer...I gorged myself at a BBQ a few weekends ago...I eat what I want to eat...6 months in and 32 Lbs down and I'm not stressed or hungry or craving this or that...just livin' life and life is awesome.

    ^^^Love that you clarified diet as a noun. Lol!

    @Sandi, I think we're all in the same boat! I am on day 2 and I'm craving some serious starches (and my body weight in peanut butter). I've lost weight in the past and have found drinking tea (there are even some berry/vanilla/delish flavors!) during a craving sometimes helps. Also, even if you can't keep a skinny pic at your desk at work, you could try to fit it into your desk drawer, purse, or wallet. Anything to keep you motivated :)
  • SandiCakes
    SandiCakes Posts: 9 Member
    @Wolfman, thanks!! such logic coming from a guy is super helpful!! My husband is so supportive (thank GOD), but he's super fit with an outrageous metabolism (i've learned to still love him even while hating him for that lol) so he doesn't really know what it's like for me. I'm not huge but it's not easy peasy for me like it is for him! Thanks for the tips!!! :D

    @Elise, LOL @ peanut butter. This morning i was like "man, day 4...." Just laying there thinking what challenge might today bring. Nonetheless, i made myself get out of bed, hopped on the scale cuz i like to keep track....and WOOHOOOOOOOOO instant smile! I have lost 2.2 lbs since Monday. I don't care if its water, fat, hell it can be air, its weight's 2.2 less on that display that shows that something is working in there!! :D Yesterday was my rest day, so today i'm SO super motivated to work out :D

    I really hope to form new friendships on MFP and motivate and get motivated with people who are on the same journey :) you guys are awesome :)
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    There are tasty looking recipies up for all kinds of healthier pizza. Make them with tortillas, crumpets, nan, anything really.

    Of course you can get tasty pizza for 500-600 calories where you can eat the whole thing for a meal. I think every now and again is fine as long as its within your limits.
  • dez_yaoichan
    I think it's smart ones that have some small personal size pizzas. granted they aren't the healthiest you could get but I find having 2 or 3 in my freezer really helps when I get a craving. I've noticed that just by having them, and knowing I could fit them into my daily goals, I actually want them less and less.

    also, I find week 1 to be the easiest. it's when I get into week 3 and 4 that I really start to crave things. but by the time I get to week 5 i'm back to normal.

    good luck!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Keep your mind busy and try this cauluflower pizza. Its awesome...
  • peacelovelose
    peacelovelose Posts: 63 Member
    Have a piece of pizza and pair it with a delicious salad. Eat the salad first, then the pizza, and by the time you're done with the piece of pizza you'll feel full AND have satisfied your craving AND will have treated yourself (versus depriving yourself).
    In my opinion, if you're serious about losing weight, you want to do it by changing your lifestyle. And if you're anything like me, a lifestyle change that NEVER includes pizza just isn't realistic! haha.
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member
    Just keep seeing yourself hitting your goal. If you want pizza, have a slice. Don't ever deprive yourself, because that is what leads to binges and quitting.

    One day at a time, that's all it takes. Eventually, all of those days add up and you'll be right where you've seen yourself ending up!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    My tip; don't deprive yourself. Obviously that doesn't mean eat whatever the hell you want, but you could certainly fit a pizza into your allowance for the day.

    Pizza Express do these at 450 cals each, you can buy them in most supermarkets, and I'm not lying when I say you really can't tell they are a low fat pizza. They aren't a bad size either.

  • SandiCakes
    SandiCakes Posts: 9 Member
    Have a piece of pizza and pair it with a delicious salad. Eat the salad first, then the pizza, and by the time you're done with the piece of pizza you'll feel full AND have satisfied your craving AND will have treated yourself (versus depriving yourself).
    In my opinion, if you're serious about losing weight, you want to do it by changing your lifestyle. And if you're anything like me, a lifestyle change that NEVER includes pizza just isn't realistic! haha.

    That's a great idea! And VERY true!!

    Thanks guys for all the great ideas.....i have never liked cauliflower but i'm gonna have to suck it up and try that recipe polo LOL
  • BlackEyedPanda
    BlackEyedPanda Posts: 86 Member
    You can make pizza healthier by having it thin crust and without cheese. Pizza without cheese is still brilliant, you wouldn't believe how nice it is and most of the calories on a pizza come from cheese and meat!
  • SandiCakes
    SandiCakes Posts: 9 Member
    One day at a time, that's all it takes. Eventually, all of those days add up and you'll be right where you've seen yourself ending up!

    You're definitely right about that Shannon! I've lost weight since Monday and today FINALLY thought woohooo something's working lol