When you feel like giving up....what do you do?

When I'm struggling with trying to lose weight and eat healthily
When I hate feeling uncomfortable in my clothes or conscious of how I look in a swimsuit
When I'm worrying about what my other half thinks when he sees me naked with little rolls of lard showing
It can be pretty depressing and often makes me grumpy, irritable and snappy as well as sad and sorry for myself.
I always then take time to remind myself of all the good things I am doing
I am eating healthily
I am trying my very best
I am fitter than I was last year
I am stronger
I am healthier
I am happier
All in all not a bad list

I remember that its flab I'm fighting...not something like Cancer thank God!

I remember that I have a family, friends, a partner and a dog who will love me know matter what shape I am - even if I end up as round as a space hopper [without the ears I hope!]

All of these things make me mentally stronger and more determined to stick to my goals

Taking time out to feel good about my achievements so far...and counting my many blessings keeps me focussed and on track

What helps you?
