Benefits of Chia Seeds and Juicing



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    watch the documentary called fat, sick and nearly dead its about juicing.

    That one let me down.

    Least it didn't hurt you.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    or run around and desert you.
  • amber_michelle30
    amber_michelle30 Posts: 108 Member
    I eat about 1400 calories a day and that's with eating back what I burn from working out. It really does suck that it didn't work for you, but everyone's body responds differently. I have read and read about this before starting and the benefits are worth the risk.As for the hateful comment, "she deserves what she gets," you know nothing about me so why do you even feel the need to say something like that?? your ugly is showing through!! Maybe you should do your own research before stating your opinion.

    Let me phrase it this way, what do you expect from 19 days of juicing and where do you go after that? What is your plan? A healthy diet, fitness, and over-all health are goals that take a life-long commitment. Nothing you do for 19 days is going to help over the long run if doesn't turn into permanent change to a healthy lifestyle. It's very easy to fall for the quick fix but I'd strongly suggest you speak to those of us who have made lasting changes.
    I was eating very healthy before this and will be afterwards too. I'm not doing this to go eat a Big Mac afterward. This is my way of cleaning out all those bad things I ate for years. I wouldn't do all this to go eat a pop tart!!

    here is a body fat calculator, you need a tape measure.
    measure your body fat and it will tell you your LBM(Lean body mass) aka muscle mass.
    when you're done with your fast measure it again... see what happens...

    If you're saying i am being hateful i am not. (not sure if you're talking to me to). I have done my research, I am majoring in biochemistry, I am a personal trainer, and I lost 192lbs. I have been in this health and fitness industry for a long time. I already know what will happen.

    My original comment told you what happened to myself. You're obviously not aware of the consequences of fasting that long. Then you're the one who got all rude. "well sucks for you"

    we are not different, we all respond to a calorie deficit. It's physics, if you don't have enough calories to support your mass, it will shrink. You will get smaller. That's obvious. But the question is "where will you get smaller?" starvation diets (like fasting) use mostly muscle mass for energy. It eats your muscles and converts it to glucose(carbs) for energy... you're literally eating your muscle mass.
    No, I wasn't talking to you. I seriously did mean that it sucks it didn't work for you because I have read many great things about it. I measured myself before so I'll definitely post it when I'm done. I can tell you know a lot about it since you have tried it.