75 lbs down and 38 to go!

Hi My name is Harmony and I started my weight loss journey in Sept of 2012 just by giving up pop at the time. In December I got more serious after losing 15lbs and starting watching what I ate. In Jan of this year I added exercise to my daily habits. Since September I have lost 75 pounds! I have falling in love with exercise but still have days I struggle with my eating. I am hoping to be at my goal weight by September, I still have almost 40lbs to lose to get there. I have added a few pictures of my progess so far.

[IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r175/Jokerluv1982/weight loss/632f3968-131c-4725-b26c-661b5a98c2da.jpg[/IMG]

[IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r175/Jokerluv1982/weight loss/1e7b296f-9797-482d-874e-0d142a05b1c2.jpg[/IMG]

[IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r175/Jokerluv1982/weight loss/c0021682-281b-453a-af08-0d2dff6532fe.jpg[/IMG]


  • TLocke1
    TLocke1 Posts: 5
    That is amazing! I have about 30 more to lose (85 down so far). We can do this!! I'm beginning to see that this last bit is the hardest to get off! BUT I know we can reach our goals!!!
  • fitnfancy80
    fitnfancy80 Posts: 251 Member


  • fitnfancy80
    fitnfancy80 Posts: 251 Member
    i tired but u look good
  • HarmonyHappyHeathy
    HarmonyHappyHeathy Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! I can't figure it out! haha
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    Wow! You look amazing! Total transformation. You look like a different person. Way to go. You give us hope that if we stick to it that we can do it too! What exercise did you do and how long? How many calories did you eat? Thanks.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    What a difference! WTG!
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