JMBR versus Chalean Extreme?



  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I adore JMBR. The drill sargeant attitude doesn't bug me, I love it and I just laugh at it. I got bored after a couple weeks with Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam both, so as much as I wanted to try CLX I decided against it. Some days I do have trouble getting motivated to push play. But I find that those are the days I really needed the rest days anyhow.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I'm doing Chalean Extreme and as far as the workouts go...I prefer Jillian's body revolution. With Chalean extreme I feel like I need to add in extra cardio but regardless, I still like it. Honestly, I don't really care about either of their personalities. I just want the workouts. If Jillian annoys you that much you should just mute the sound and play your own music.

    Programs that focus mainly on strength training don't place all that much emphasis on cardio because it isn't necessary and can interfere with muscle recovery if the intensity is too high. For this reason a lot of women have trouble transitioning to CLX from other, more cardio-centric workout regimens because they feel like they're not doing enough work since they're used to the idea of prioritizing cardio before strength. They've gotten psychologically attached the idea that cardio = fat loss/weight loss and that's just not the case at all. I can assure you though that what you're getting in the way of cardio with CLX is plenty.
  • luticiaf
    luticiaf Posts: 92 Member

    Programs that focus mainly on strength training don't place all that much emphasis on cardio because it isn't necessary and can interfere with muscle recovery if the intensity is too high. For this reason a lot of women have trouble transitioning to CLX from other, more cardio-centric workout regimens because they feel like they're not doing enough work since they're used to the idea of prioritizing cardio before strength. They've gotten psychologically attached the idea that cardio = fat loss/weight loss and that's just not the case at all. I can assure you though that what you're getting in the way of cardio with CLX is plenty.

    I'm happy to hear this extra reassurance! It is true, sometimes it's hard to feel like you're working hard enough if you aren't jumping all around, sprinting, and all that jazz. That being said, her kickboxing routines are quite amp'd! I've seen great results with CLX, just trying some new things at the moment. likely will end up back with her.