Why isn't this working???



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I gained 2 lbs in one week and I eat healthy and work out...they say muscle weighs more than fat but I have no clue how I can tell if it's muscle, fat, or water weight. I truly understand. very discouraging for me too :(

    water and glycogen...you can't build appreciable muscle at a calorie deficit. On average, a male who is working pretty damned hard in the weight room and has a spot on diet can put about 10 Lbs of actual muscle on in a year...and that's busting hump in the weight room.

    You have natural weight fluctuations...get used to them. Failure to understand this is a recipe for failure period...if you don't understand this and wrap your head around the science of all of this, you're going to drive yourself bat **** crazy and end up quitting.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    5 pounds in 35 days is great. Weight loss is not linear......

    you're fine...but eat more mmmmkay?
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    It IS working...5 pounds lost is great!

    Some suggestions:
    Eat more!
    Exercise DIFFERENTLY (try intervals if you run, do more reps if you lift, take an exercise class)
  • paleirishmother
    5lbs in 35days! You're doing great.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member

    Oh, this is really helpful. If you have nothing constructive to say, why even bother posting on this thread? Move along if that's how you feel. Jeez.

    OP, you're doing great, you just need to up your calorie intake a bit so you don't stall. I know its hard because we all have this concept to begin with that the less you eat, the more you will lose, but we're now coming away from that and realizing that it's not as cut and dry as this. The advice you've got on this thread is valid. Stick with it!
  • cwood2002
    cwood2002 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you to all who responded. I am new to this and was not thinking about the "starvation mode" thing.:blushing:
    I have gone in and changed my goal down to 1 pound per week. And although it hasn't changed my daily calories at all...... I will investigate the TDEE / BMR etc. to see how many calories I should really be eating.
    I know my next question will be..... can I manually change my calories, and if so, how do i know what my Protien Sugar etc should be?
    I don't understand all the acronyms yet so, please forgive the questions and possible errors.

    Again, all of your feed back was greatly appreciated.