Friendly Push

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have tried for 5 years to maintain my weight. I am 24 years old with a 3 year old son. Today my bf and I quit smoking and I have lost over 10lbs in the past month. I really think that now I see a bit of a difference it has been a friendly push to continue to try to lose more weight and feel healthy in my body. I strive to be the best I can be for my son. And now I have the opportunity to be the best. I look forward to all the support off of myfitnesspal. This is going to be awesome. I love reading all of your stories and it inspires me. :) Friend request if you want a support buddy. Thanks, and have a sunny day! <3


  • whiskey5jda2008
    whiskey5jda2008 Posts: 115 Member
    kudos on the weight loss and stopping smoking. doing both may be hard, but you feel better in the end