Running with your dog



  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    Personally, I think of it as an extension of leash training, and approach it the same way I did when first teaching her to behave on a leash when she was a puppy. Simply be very clear on what you want the dog to do and enforce it consistently. Dog like being out with their humans, and they like running, so as soon as the dog realizes what you're wanting to do, most of them seem to pick up on it pretty easily.

    Also, if you live in a very hot climate, watch your dog closely in the hot time of year, and run in early morning or late night, carry water, and watch for early signs of overheating (dull eyes, gradual apathy, lack of interest in treats and people/dogs). And as others have said, make sure your dog understands that when you are running together, nothing else is permitted. No saying hello to anyone, no stopping without permission, no sniffing, and so on.

    We run in my neighborhood and other neighborhoods, and every single time I see someone ahead of us I cross over to the other side of the street, rather than run past a family or another runner with my big black dog (=labrador), since an important part of dog-running etiquette is to keep your dog from bothering others.
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I tried to get my dog to run with me. At first she gets excited, then she slows down to a trot, and eventually she'll even try to sit down and refuse to move. A willful b*i*t*c*h, she is.

    About the leash issue: definitely keep your dog on a leash, for everyone's safety. Nothing annoys me more than clueless dog owners who waltz up to me with their out-of-control dogs and assure me that their dog is super-friendly. Well, you know what? Mine isn't, not to other dogs, anyway. And I am not going to pay your vet bills when she bites your dog's ear off.


    I don't run, so I don't run with my dogs. But, I do take my dogs out on the trail, and one of them doesn't play well with others at all. This one guy couldn't understand why I was screaming "get away" at his dog when it was running up on us.
  • jendutton5
    jendutton5 Posts: 6 Member
    When I first started running with my dog I tied her on a pretty long rope around my waist, that way if/when she did pull it was on my waist and wasn't so tiring for me. Didn't take her long to know she must keep up with me and not dink around.
  • hebehrens
    hebehrens Posts: 55
    I'm just starting to take my greyhound with me on runs. He's taken to it surprisingly well considering how much he likes to sniff and mark on regular walks. When he does try to dart off to smell something, I've just gently pulled on his leash and told him "leave it". Oddly enough, I think my endurance is currently better than his though. Greyhounds are sprinters, so he's not quite used to running longer distances.

    And yes, PLEASE keep your dogs leashed at all times. When i was 13, our family dog who was on her leash, attacked our neighbor's small Bichon that was loose and ran up to our dog. Our dog nearly killed theirs, and the neighbors ended up getting a court order that required us to euthanize our dog. It was an awful experience, especially considering WE were being the responsible dog owners and keeping our dog leashed.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    I recommend a chain so you can bump them and get their attention if their is another dog and they decide they would rather visit....

    Please please please leash your dogs.... I can't tell you the number of times I have rode into town and had my horse approached by a barking growling dog that belongs to a runner...
    My horse is a dog killer.... Lets just say its not pretty and I imagine watching your dog be run over wouldn't be pretty either
  • TesselCat
    TesselCat Posts: 74
    I can only manage to keep my dog's attention by bringing his favorite ball with me. It has holes, so I just tie it onto his leash and he keeps with me pretty well.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I started running with my dog a couple of years ago. We were doing really well until one day he got spooked and crossed my path; I went off of the curb and sprained my ankle. I'm not a very strong runner and was paying more attention to myself than the dog, that was my mistake. Just be careful.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Use a leash.. wrap it around your hand a couple of times or as much as you need to.. that works and I have 2 70lb Husky Sheppard crosses... that keeps them close to me and running. Usually they have their way of telling me they need to do their business

    I'm not sure about where you live but here in Toronto, there are so many dog parks, one in particular that is in a forested area and has a leash free area.. great for running if your dog is trained to come back whenever.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm just starting to take my greyhound with me on runs. He's taken to it surprisingly well considering how much he likes to sniff and mark on regular walks. When he does try to dart off to smell something, I've just gently pulled on his leash and told him "leave it". Oddly enough, I think my endurance is currently better than his though. Greyhounds are sprinters, so he's not quite used to running longer distances.

    About breeds--huskies (and other sled pulling breeds) are probably the best companions for longer-distance human speed runs, although you do have to watch so they do not overheat. Many breeds (and mutts, of course) are happy running companions, too, but breeds such as the modern bulldog are completely unsuitable to it. If in doubt, check with a vet...
    And yes, PLEASE keep your dogs leashed at all times. When i was 13, our family dog who was on her leash, attacked our neighbor's small Bichon that was loose and ran up to our dog. Our dog nearly killed theirs, and the neighbors ended up getting a court order that required us to euthanize our dog. It was an awful experience, especially considering WE were being the responsible dog owners and keeping our dog leashed.

    What a horrific story--I am sorry. That sounds traumatizing and unfair.
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    please pick up your dogs crap, provide water, and use a leash.

    To those of you that think your dog is properly trained, you better be sure. If your unleashed dog runs up on my LEASHED dog, you could end up with a dead dog. This would be my dogs doing, not me. I'm responsible to put him on a leash, but I can't control your off leash dog and won't be held responsible for what could happen.

    I cant tell you how upset I get when I see a dog not on a leash. My dog was attacked a few weeks ago. He was running with me and he was on his leash. Next a dog had his butt in his mouth and was shaking him. My heart sunk that day. Its not that hard if we all so the right thing. If you want them off the leash take them to an area that allowes that. My boy took over a week to recover and now is very jumpy and nervous on our walks. We are slowly getting there but I will no longer run with him. Not because he did the wrong thing I just cant trust the people with their dogs. Its sad to see him crying at the door when I go for my run but I dont think my heart could do all that again......
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Options prepared for a little humiliation, that's my biggest tip.
    Started running with Gordon, my shepherd...I'm running my *kitten* off thinking about the great burn...I look down to notice he's just barely broken out of walking pace -- and he's yawning. Thanks for the support, *kitten*.

    (edited to add - oh yeah he's always leashed. He's a good boy, but you never know...)

    My cocker spaniel could run a marathon and I am barely at the 5K level. We come in after 4 miles and I want to crash and she is running up and down the hallway wanting to play fetch. I also got a lighted leash because we go out early or late.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    Options prepared for a little humiliation, that's my biggest tip.
    Started running with Gordon, my shepherd...I'm running my *kitten* off thinking about the great burn...I look down to notice he's just barely broken out of walking pace -- and he's yawning. Thanks for the support, *kitten*.

    (edited to add - oh yeah he's always leashed. He's a good boy, but you never know...)

    We should have our dogs run together then. I could barely do c25k and I'm pretty sure she was looking for someone to do a marathon with!!

    She is very well trained. I do agility with her and the commands that I use alot while running are Lets go, leave it (for anything that might distract her, dog, kid, etc), wait (to stop at intersections), Slow (slow down her pace, she is fast), and I use OK as my general release. Those are great commands for everyday as well.

    Always keep your dog leashed and also be aware of where the houses are with invisible fences. Some absolute IDIOT installed there fence wire at the edge of the sidewalk. So when you walk by there dog comes out and charges on the sidewalk!! Even if they are set back, my dog does gets distracted when a dog charges at her. I now know where they all are in my neighborhood so I will usually go out into the street.

    Also, if you are going to hold the leash (I don't like not having complete control and her around my waist, other people can be stupid) , get a leather one. It's well worth your investment. It's much easier on your hands!!!
  • taaaters
    taaaters Posts: 70
    In addition to leash, water, doggy bags, the only thing I'd like to add is that as the weather starts going from warmer to hot please think about your dog before taking him/her out running with you. I see people walking and running their dogs in weather over about 28 degrees celcius (82 farenheit-ish) and feel for those poor dogs (especially dogs with longer coats or darker fur), they're covered in fur and overheat a lot easier than we do. Being a responsible dog owner also means thinking about your dog and whether it can handle going out in hotter weather, and if it can, whether it's fair to take it with you for the whole run, or if you should only take it for a shorter distance, then continue on alone. Just my opinion but I feel it's important.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member

    I cant tell you how upset I get when I see a dog not on a leash. My dog was attacked a few weeks ago. He was running with me and he was on his leash. Next a dog had his butt in his mouth and was shaking him. My heart sunk that day. Its not that hard if we all so the right thing. If you want them off the leash take them to an area that allowes that. My boy took over a week to recover and now is very jumpy and nervous on our walks. We are slowly getting there but I will no longer run with him. Not because he did the wrong thing I just cant trust the people with their dogs. Its sad to see him crying at the door when I go for my run but I dont think my heart could do all that again......

    Sorry to hear this. A big dog on a leash got loose from their owner and came a running for my Lady. I was so scared I picked her up as fast as I could and prayed he wouldn't attack. She was barking like crazy at him and wanted a piece of him. He did nothing more but it really shook us up. I still go out with her I feel safer with her. She does not like men without dogs and will not let them talk to us. I did purposely get a dog I can pick up after my previous one got sick I could barely carry her so after she died and I started looking for another she would have to be smaller.

    People need to get dogs they are personally able to handle.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    you can get leashes that are quite long with clips along it to clip around your waist, so you can run hands free once you have trained your dog to run alongside you. Halti brand makes them and I thnk Ellas Lead have some as well.

    OMG yes I cannot stand people with their off leash dogs dogs and " oh my dog is friendly" attitude as it comes bolting up to you, well one of my dogs isn't too keen on other dogs getting into his personal space ..... and don't get me started on flexi leashes.

    however seems like a lot of great, considerate dog owners here !

    def consider the weather , dogs overheat faster than people., early morning or late evening is best.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I have a basset hound. She doesn't run, unless she is in danger and even then it has to be serious danger.
    LOL. I have a basset/labrador cross I picked up from the SPCA ... he looks just like a lab with dwarfism. He WANTS to run with me, but has like 7" legs and just can't. It's rather comical to watch him try...
  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    i would love to have a big dog to take on runs. i started out just taking my moms jack russell with me...big mistake lol. she always got distracted and would then slow me down. got pretty annoying so i stopped all together and went by myself.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    So many complaints about unleashed dogs.. don't y'all have laws in your area? Here, dogs may run off leash in designated areas at parks.. no one lets their dog run wild here lets say down the street and no one who is scared of dogs dare walk in a park where dogs are permitted to be off their leash
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    we have leash laws but there are people who don't care and think their little precious is ok to be off leash , with no consideration towards other dog owners and that some people are scared of dogs

    we do have designated dogs parks where dogs can be off leash obviously

    but walking around the streets a leash is required and I wish the jackazzes in my neighbourhood would bloody leash their dog
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    i doubt you will have trouble, most dogs enjoy running, and will run with you happily.
    If you ran super slow and the dog was fast walking it might be mor einclined to sniff/look at things, but in a run, it will just dedicate itself to running.

    Mine have been doing it since they were little puppies!