New to this!

Cmg2k Posts: 35 Member
Hello. I'm not sure how this works but I'll figure it out.
Like a lot of people, I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. About 2 months ago I went to my doc because I was struggling with moderate depression, anxiety, mental fog, and just basically felt like crap all the time. He decided to draw blood, look at the results and go from there. Come to find out I had estrogen dominance (high estrogen, low testosterone.. I'm only 29).. Also, slow thyroid, and deficient in a lot of nutrients. But what stuck out the most were the antibodies in my blood, suggesting celiac disease! Celiac's have an autoimmune reaction to gluten which destroys tissue in the small intestines and causes inflammation in the body, among other symptoms. He suggested increasing fruits and veggies from 5 servings to 10 servings a day and to eliminate gluten. I have been gluten-free for 3 weeks now. I've also cut down on processed foods and eat mostly organic fruit, veggies, and lean animal protein. I feel amazing! I can't remember ever feeling like this.. depression, anxiety, and mental fog are gone. I've lost weight too, from 167 to 158 (I'm 5'2"). I have so much more energy as well. My goal is to eventually get down into the 130's!
Best wishes to everyone on their fitness journey!