How long?

I'm 19, 5'6", currently around 222-ish pounds.

My problem is I get really discouraged very easily, I give up and then bam, I end up back where I currently am. This time around is my longest try - sorta. I lost 12 pounds, but then I had an off week - yes I said WEEK - and gained 4 back (4 pounds in a week... I really didn't think I ate that badly). I'm back on track at the moment, currently seeing no loss but that might be because of my TOM screwing with me.

Anyway, what I want to know is how long did it take before you started seeing results?

How many weeks/months did it take for you to VISUALLY be able to notice a difference? (and pounds lost at that time would be nice to know as well)

Knowing this will hopefully give me an idea of how long to stick it out before I should (hopefully) see a difference.


  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I've lost 16 pounds in 5 months. My starting weight was 187 at 5'1". I started feeling like my clothes fit more comfortably at about 13 pounds (3 months). I started getting comments just two weeks ago. And now I can see in the mirror that my clothes *look* better. That's at 16 pounds lost after 5 months. It took awhile.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    I know that once you start seeing the changes it helps keep you motivated and interested in your goals. But instead of thinking to yourself "how long will this take once I get started?" remind yourself that the longer you put it off, the longer it will take!! And if you DONT start now, and just keep working every day to do better, than instead of achieving your goals you will be one of those people who is frustrated with your weight but doing nothing about it. Only YOU can actually do this, and how fast I saw changes or anyone else saw changes is not going to be the same for you. You have to really WANT it, regardless of if it takes 5 months of 5 years! If you dont DO IT, than you will always be exactly where you are now, and what good will that do???

    But in answer to your question, as far as MYSELF seeing the changes, I literally study myself in the mirror naked or in my underwear and take pictures biweekly to remind myself why I am doing this! When I first started, I never did that and now two years later, I really wish I had! Because nothing shows it better than pictures, especially if you are working out alot. I think after the first 20 pounds I really started to feel a boost in my confidence and it was easier to stay on track at that point, knowing that it was working.
  • mombieocalypse
    Please try not to get frustrated. I know it is hard. The thing is, if you get frustrated and stop, then there is a good chance when you get ready to start again you will have another 10lbs to take off. The another and so on and eventually you will end up like me at age 39 with 115lbs to lose. I am not seeing the results that my own mother is seeing. Week 1 and I lost 0.5lbs and my mom lost 11lbs. Talk about frustrating. But I remind myself I am doing this to get fit and healthy and the byproduct of my changes will be weight loss.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I started at 230lbs (I'm 5'6" as well).

    It took a good 20lbs before people started noticing. But honestly, it was only friends and family at that point. Other people didn't notice until I bought smaller clothes. As long as I was still wearing my old clothes (even if they were baggy) people didn't comment much.

    Don't get discouraged - you will get there. It took me a little over a year to get where I'm at and I wouldn't have changed that for the world. I'm still short of my goal, but I'll get there. I so appreicate my body and my fitness level now.

    If I can do it, you can too.
  • tamera0410
    tamera0410 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Just keep at it, one day at a time!
    I'm 24 and I lost 15-20 pounds within a year
    in 2011. I've kept the weight off
    since I lost it slowly.
    I didn't realize how much I
    lost because I taught myself not to
    look at the scale anymore, it defininely
    gave me lots of confidence.
    I took my time with it and eventually
    learned not to be hard on myself when
    I went to the gym.
    I was 135 lbs at 5 ft tall and now I'm
    at 115 lbs. It took a few months
    until I actually saw results. I finally
    noticed it when my jeans kept
    getting too big. I went
    from size 11 in juniors size jeans
    to size 3 in juniors size jeans. Now
    I need to just buckle down and tone up.
    Just keep one day at a time! Also, listen
    to up beat music while workin' out!
    That keeps me going!
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    start every day as a new day. Forget yesterday, last week. keep trying it is a life change. take one day at a time.
    We all have bad days but we are trying to get better at this 1% each day. the goal is to keep trying. Hang in there YOU CAN Do THIS.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I started at 215 (5'5") and two months later was down about 25 lbs. By that time, I could tell the difference in the way my clothes fit, and other people were noticing, too. I remember putting 25 lbs in a backpack and toting it around and up the stairs to give me a concrete picture of my progress. It took 5 months to lose 50 lbs., and exactly one year to get to goal weight, 70 lbs. lost. I credit a lower carb (100 g/carbs/day) food plan ( and moderate exercise (walking and yard work) with the steady weight loss (2-3 lbs per week at the start, then 0.5-1 lb. the closer I got to goal).
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    My best, most satisfying results, has come for this past month of march. i stepped on the scale on 3/1 - and made a vow, to not step on the scale again til 4/1. I gave the scale to my mom to hide from me, to ensure that I wouldn't.
    I was rolling out of bed each morning and stepping on the scale, and stepping on it again each night before bed. This method may work for some, but for me, it was a major stressor! (is that even a word? haha).
    I would see say a 2lb weight gain and be like OH REALLY MR SCALE? Well I got excuse to jack up my whole day now thanks a lot!

    In other words, yes, using the #'s on the scale as an 'excuse' in stead of holding myself accountable - UNTIL it dawned on me, this scale is jacking with my mind. So like i mentioned, i gave it to my mom to hide from me.Granted, she didn't hide it well - I could go into her room an easily access it - but that would require walking across the ranchstyle house to go get it - and - it appears my lazyiness beat out my scale obsession haha.

    So if I had to go into her room for laundry or anything (she's the built on carport room, so the laundry room is in her back end of the house, etc) I'd see it and take a casual step on it - but i knew in my head the #'s WOULDNT COUNT til 4/1

    So I got on the scale on 4/1 and lost 4lbs (just as I had it set myfitnesspal to do for me)

    as oppose to the month of february - where i gained like 4lbs haha.

    So if it were me - i'd tell you to make 1x a month official weigh ins and no more, no less - totally helped me!