Breakfast and school lunches

lexiivest Posts: 5 Member
I'm not a big breakfast fan(i usually skip it), but i end up binging at night because I'm starving. I am not a huge fan of eggs either.
I also need good ideas for lunch; i'm a student and it's really hard to find lunch. the food in the cafeteria is gross and fatening


  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Yes it is, I never bought lunch at school because I had sports practice after and it would make me puke! I assume you're living with parents, if so, get their help, it'll be cheaper for them if you take lunch than if you buy cafeteria. If not, these ideas still apply. Get easy ingredients for salad, (including grilled chicken, almonds etc, I'm not suggesting you don't eat) and the bags of pre-washed greens. It's really easy to throw together and put the dressing on right before you eat (I recommend balsamic vineagar and olive oil, go for "real" ingredients). Also, greek yogurts, snackable fruits and veggies (like baby carrots, cherry tomatos, mandarin oranges, strawberries, apples, cucumber slices) are good to round that out. Its ok not to have a huge breakfast, and if you're in high school I know sometimes they start crazy early, but it's good to have something easy (a banana and a part skim string cheese along with coffee was my breakfast yesterday) on the way. This will help you balance out your eating throughout the day. Also, breakfast doesn't have to be traditional "breakfast" food, it's ok to have a health soup, chicken, healthy snack items like almonds and fruit, or whatever works for you.
    Bottom line is: you don't get points for eating less at the beginning of the day if you just eat more later, get yourself in the habit, even if it's one step at a time.
    Best of luck!
  • klmoorman
    klmoorman Posts: 8 Member
    The #1 mistake you are making is not eating breakfast! My health teacher preaches "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and he is right. Eating breakfast in the morning kick starts your metabolism. Your breakfast doesn't have to take a lot of time to prepare, I am in high school and i eat cheerios with fruit, or oatmeal and fruit, anything quick and easy. It doesn't have to take a lot of time... just stay away from pre packaged items such as poptarts!! If you eat breakfast you will probably not binge.. i try not to eat past 6:30.. if you eat to late you won't burn it all off and it will stick on you.. Please just start eating breakfast and try not to eat past 7:30ish!