Need to exercise, but I have NO motivation!

I have been very good about sticking to a 1200 calorie food plan with really good results; however, I know I could lose this weight SOOOO much faster if I would just get motivated (and stay motivated) to work out! It's so frustrating and I don't know how to make myself work out. Suggestions? Anyone in NW Austin want to work out with me?


  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I found some fun workouts on pinterest!! I am also doing wii zumba and just dance!! Its fun and I can do it with my 6 year old :) I am determined to get to my goal without stepping foot in a gym!
  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    i enjoy weight lifting because i enjoy the feeling of growing stronger and like seeing my body change shape and grow new muscles. However on 1200 calories a day i would not be able to weight train as i simply would not have the energy to do so. i have an active job however so this may not apply for you.

    some easy ways of adding exercise into your life is by:

    making it dancing around to loud music and singing at the top of your lungs

    making it incidental (right word?) walking to the shop to get milk, parking further away from somewhere etc...
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Walk. Get an ipod or something & put some good audiobooks or podcasts on it-thats what i do-makes it go so much faster. Also, think of exercise like brushing your teeth-something you just need to do, rather than something thats 'optional'.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    Schedule it into your day. Whether you go to a gym or workout at your own house. Have your exercise clothes and shoes etc... ready. I lost 120 lbs mainly from walking then power walking then jogging and then running( and restricting calories of course). I listened to music or to a audio book so it was not that boring. I maintained that loss for ten years untill I had to give up running due to bad knees. Now, I have about 20lbs to get off and I joined a gym(I know this is not possible for everyone). I love it. I go directly from work 4 days a week and also go on the weekends some. I have my clothes all packed and ready to grab on my way out the door. Once I get there, It wouldn't make any sense to leave with out exercising:) I take classes which is really motivating for me. I also do a variety of classes so I think that keeps me motivated too(it also prevents injury from overuse which is what aggravated my knees)>

    My stepdaughter and husband also take classes with me. A word of caution here though, if your friend or partner can't exercise, don't use that as an excuse for skipping it:) I go whether they "can" go or not.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    Best advice I can give
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Best advice I can give

    What he said!
  • iamlaprell
    iamlaprell Posts: 71 Member
    For me it took finding something that I love and just doing that for a while to get me going, then adding in additional workouts. For me, it was putting in my IPOD and walking, thing is I do not like walking tracks and trails and on asphalt or sidewalks so I built my own route around my house and through the woods behind my house. I find this closer to hiking and really love the difference it makes in my butt (from experience walking on a treadmill makes my butt go flat and I don't like that look at all). I also love the stairclimber and elliptical but don't have access to one right now but I don't use that as an excuse. Now after 3 months I cannot imagine a day without walking, I even walked in the rain yesterday. And on those days where walking in the weather is not an option I get so sad cause I love it so much!

    So my advice, try different things until you find the one thing that makes you feel free, confident, energized, or just allows you an escape. Once you find it stick with it until you have more energy and you will find that doing that one thing will motivate you to do more then you can add in additional exercises.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    stand in front of a full length mirror in your underwear.... happy? no? go work out!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I dare you to take two scoops of Craze / Hyde / C4 and tell me that you have no motivation :P

    Forcing yourself to smile has a weird psychological effect where it usually triggers a real smile. A lot of times the lack of desire for exercise goes away once you start. Starting is the most important key and if you can't do it on your own... hire someone that needs a job. Have them kidnap you and bring you somewhere like the gym. Drink a pre-workout and then turn into the HULK.. realize you love being the Hulk and then you fire that poor guy who used to drag you to the gym. You don't need a pre-workout for the drive and then dance like it's 1975.
  • nicole_andan
    Dont think about it. The second I think about going and exercising i'll find a reason that I don't have to.

    I find it almost impossible to lose weight without exercise as I struggle with staying within calories.

    I take my gym kit to work and go straight from work as once I've hit the couch that is it I am home and I am not leaving again. I got a personal trainer for the first 4 sessions at the gym.
    He helped me work out what I wanted to do and it meant I didn't feel like a wally not knowing what do. I don't like feeling unsure of myself or feeling out of my comfort zone. I don't have any friends who would want to gym it with me so the PT did the equivalent and got me in a place where I felt comfortable going to the gym and then I felt ok.
    I now go 3-4 times a week (although not this week because work's been crazy!) but normally!

    Good luck!
  • RoseThePenguin
    RoseThePenguin Posts: 100 Member

    Get naked and look in a mirror.

    Have fun x
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member

    Get naked and look in a mirror.

    Have fun x
    Basically what I do, especially when all these YT bodybuilders are updating on their contest prep :(
    I'm like, oh yea LOOKIN' GOOD! Then I see people at 7% body fat and realize I look like Rosie O'Donell. Honey BOO BOO wants some sketti!
  • RoseThePenguin
    RoseThePenguin Posts: 100 Member
    Ugh, I know. I have far too many people on my list with 'beach bodies'.

    I'm like, OHH YEAHHH, lost another lb B)

    And they're like MY ABS ARE BEUTIFUL.

    And then I'm like ... :(