Workplace issues, and boss refuses to help

MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
My job is a data entry job for a trucking company where we work 4pm til whenever. With summertime approaching, our work load is getting heavier and heavier, and we're lucky to get out of work by 5am.

We've talked to our boss about doing something,... like hiring help, but he blows us off. My boss isn't even compassionate about us, since he works a different shift that we do. He's in bed around midnight, and in the morning when he wakes up, he sends very derogatory emails to us about our lack of performance and how we should have been done by 1230am. (If we had about 15 more people, we possibly could)

Each year, we do survey where we rate our boss, and he can't understand why he gets a bad rating, so for a year, he makes our life a little worse each year. And we have never met the boss's boss, because he refuses to meet with us.

HR won't do anything, either. They claim they can't help unless it's insurance related or payroll questions. "They're not mediators."

I'm thinking about going to the company owner about seeing if anything can be done before I end up putting my notice that I'm going to part time. I physically can't take working a minimum of 65 hours a week. We've had 3 people quit in the past two weeks, and the boss hasn't even called people for interviews. He claims he'll wait until we "really need them."

Has anyone else gone to a higher up of a company, and actually get positive results? I guess I know what I want to say, to the owner, but I'm not sure how to say it.


  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I'd suggest labor board.... I have never had to go that far so I cannot give you any insight. I do know if enough people complain its more likely the issue will be resolved. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.