Tired - need advice

I have a busy lifestyle. I work 55-60hrs a week, have a 3 year old and try to exercise regularly. On training mornings I'm up at 4.15/4.30am to do an hour of training before my husband goes to work. I then have to shower, dress for work, get the 3year old ready, do the daycare drop off etc. Arrive to work around 7.45 and put in 9-13hour days.

I try to eat well but all to often I go for chocolate to give me a pick me up as I'm so tired by the afternoon. I'm trying to limit myself to one coffee a day which is proving difficult.

I get 6-9hrs sleep a night. I take a multivitamin and probiotic supplement daily.

Any tips or constructive ideas would be appreciated.


  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    Why would you NOT be tired! Try to make sure you are getting enough protein & pack yourself healthy snacks.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    I work 80-100 hours a week. No kids, but my schedule is still mildly insane.

    I find I hit the wall about 3pm, although I avoid chocolate. The pick-me-up doesn't last long enough. I tend to reach for the stonefruits - plums, peaches, nectarines etc. More nutritious and the pick-me-up lasts longer in my experience.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Protein and iron helps, and take a rest day. Seriously. On Saturday sleep in, rest, take a nap. Remember that this is only for a season of your life.

    Best wishes to you.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I work 80-100 hours a week. No kids, but my schedule is still mildly insane.

    I find I hit the wall about 3pm, although I avoid chocolate. The pick-me-up doesn't last long enough. I tend to reach for the stonefruits - plums, peaches, nectarines etc. More nutritious and the pick-me-up lasts longer in my experience.

    Yeah I was getting into fruit in the afternoon but I was getting worried about the sugar content.

    I go over my protein macro every day (MFP set), but maybe thats still not enough...?
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Ill be watching this thread as I think I could use the help too!

    I have five kids under 8. Work full time midnights/ full time online college. I normally get home at 7:15 get kids around to go to school, take younger ones to the Y daycare, do my workout, go home get them lunch, lay them down, take a nap till my husband gets home/older kids get home from school, homework time, fix dinner, lay back down before work. School work I can get done at work.
  • Funnyfishat40
    Funnyfishat40 Posts: 52 Member
    Nuts and seeds all the way, fruit is a quick up and down works better than chocolate but nuts fill you up are slower release and make you feel so much more stable xx good luck it does get easier
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Thanks for the support from the other replies too, appreciate it.

    Sleeping in is difficult with a 3 year old. Saturday's is my rest day and I'm happy if I get to sleep till 7am. I try to have a nap that day if possible but I'm so busy catching up with washing, cleaning, cooking etc that it can be hard to fit in.

    I know there's no miracle answer (other than winning lotto!).
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    It's difficult to comment without being able to see your diary. What are your goals fitness wise? Are you sure you are eating enough?
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    I work 80-100 hours a week. No kids, but my schedule is still mildly insane.

    I find I hit the wall about 3pm, although I avoid chocolate. The pick-me-up doesn't last long enough. I tend to reach for the stonefruits - plums, peaches, nectarines etc. More nutritious and the pick-me-up lasts longer in my experience.

    Yeah I was getting into fruit in the afternoon but I was getting worried about the sugar content.

    I go over my protein macro every day (MFP set), but maybe thats still not enough...?

    I go over my sugar macro every single day because of my fruit consumption - and it's had no effect on my ability to lose weight. It's not something to really be too concerned about unless you have a medical reason for it. The natural sugars in fruit are less concerning than the processed stuff you get in chocolate and candy.

    And the protein macro is generally considered to be a minimum intake rather than a maximum like the others. Don't stress about going over it.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I would say if you are reaching for chocolate anyways, there is no reason to avoid fruit. Both have sugar and I tend to get more energy out of fruit than chocolate, plus that piece of chocolate never seems to be big enough lol
  • pilarter
    pilarter Posts: 49
    I got tired just reading your post! Maybe because I work 60-70 hours/week too, including night shifts (I am a Family physician), my daughter is already 13 yo (my schedules has been the same since before she was born) but I am divorced so I don´t have anybody at home for help and support with the girl and housework and arrends and so on.
    I am tired in the afternoons in a daily basis, and I know that one of the reasons is that I don´t eat enough in the mornings most of the days: I have lunch at 13h before I go to work, but following day I have lunch at 16h when I get back home (24h shifts starting at 3pm). So, I get my energy from snacks most of the time: almonds, nuts, whole grain cereal bars, fruit. I am not worried about sugar intake as I spend those sugar calories inmediately and they don´t have time to turn into fat in my body, and give me plenty of vitamines, natural vitamines so I don´t need to take supplements.
    Try green tea if you are trying to stuck at 1 coffee per day. It works great for me, and it is a more pleasant way to drink water (I find water very boring).
    REST! At least one day per week. You need it, it is crystal clear, as you are asking for help because you feel tired. No workout, slow housekeeping. Enjoy quality time with your family, take a treat meal, go to the haidresser or get your manicure done, spa, take a long nap, slow sex LOL, whatever you feel like.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Good points about the fruit sugars, will take that on board. Nuts and seeds are a good idea too, thanks.

    Sorry not willing to open my food diary. I have in the past and I'm sick of being berated because I'm one of 'those 1200cal a day' people, or getting picked on due to coffee/sugar/chocolate.

    I have a couple of kilo's of fat to lose but I also want to increase my fitness and lean muscle mass.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Protein, iron.. maybe nap on days you are home with the 3YO. I wish my 5YO would nap :laugh: .. exercise really provides a good pickup during the day
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Why are you working more than 40 hours a week??! Work to live, not live to work.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    If you are eating 1200 calories a day and not eating back exercise calories, that will be why you are feeling tired. Your body needs fuel for all that exercise and hard work you are doing. Sorry if my reply is irritating but this is the logical answer.You will feel much stronger if you fuel your body.
    I consume coffee, sugar , chocolate . and anything else I fancy, just try to do so in moderation.
    My other thought was that you might be deficient in iron. I had this problem. I felt constantly tired with it. It wouldn't be enough to take a multivitamin to cure this; you would need to take an iron supplement. It might be worth getting tested?
    I hope you find your answer.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    More coffee.
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    sounds to me like your body is trying to tell you something...

    I couldn't function on that little sleep but I know people are different with the amount they need.

    I find drinking lots of water makes me feel less tired.

    hope you find a solution

    kat x
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Drink more coffee and eat more.

    Why ask for advice if you don't wish to open your diary or listen to the advice? You are doing way more activity than can be supported by 1200 calories. You've opened your diary in the past, got told to eat more, didn't listen and now you're back asking for advice because what you are doing is not working. Are you willing to try something that will work yet?

    Eat more. Eat more. Eat more.
  • pkoll
    pkoll Posts: 135 Member
    I agree with Dakotababy--working that many hours while raising children seems crazy, but may be financially necessary to some. And then getting exercise time in there also? I'm exhausted just reading these posts!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Drink more coffee and eat more.

    Why ask for advice if you don't wish to open your diary or listen to the advice? You are doing way more activity than can be supported by 1200 calories. You've opened your diary in the past, got told to eat more, didn't listen and now you're back asking for advice because what you are doing is not working. Are you willing to try something that will work yet?

    Eat more. Eat more. Eat more.

    ^^^^^ This. 100% this.

    I do less than you and eat 1600 cals a day to lose. Your body is crying out for more food - and you are ignoring it. :noway: