enjoying food again!

I've only been fasting for just over two weeks, and as well as the weight loss (slow but there) and hopefully the internal health, I've found one major benefit - I am actually enjoying food again. Before I was bingeing so much it was more of a compulsion than hunger - why eat one bag of Monster Munch when you could eat six? Why one biscuit when you can eat the whole pack? I would eat alone, in secret, stuffing it all into my mouth as though my body wouldn't notice! Now, because of fasting, I relish every mouthful - and am also mindful of eating sensibly on my 'off' days. Today I am having lean lamb chops for dinner, with a few spuds (not a whole panful!) and lots of carrots and peas. A few weeks ago, I'd have been looking forward to takeaway pizza and ice cream - now I am SO looking forward to eating a simple, healthy meal! Food is one of the great pleasures in life, but many of us end up with it being the enemy, and obsessing about it endlessly - now I feel like I am still obsessing (a bit), but in a much more positive way - so if you are struggling with the first few days of fasting, it DOES get better!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You need to explain more of what you mean by fasting as this could mean you are avoiding food altogether. I am assuming you are following the 5:2 plan or similar? Otheriwse I do not see how fasting can help build a healthy relationship with food when to do so is essentially starving yourself.

    But if it's working for you then great, each to their own.
  • Yes, 5:2, my apologies I posted in the wrong place - it was meant for that group. And in all honesty, nothing could be unhealthier than what I WAS doing!