can I get some vegatarian help?

edited January 19 in Food and Nutrition
Im a vegatarian but cant seem to stop eating unhealthy things, and im not sure where to start or what to eat! Everytime I try and buy healthy food to start eating I always get bored off it or doesnt curb my hunger and I overeat on junk. And I want to start trying some vegatarian recipes, which suprisingly I havent tried any, cant really find any I like, so what should I do or where do I start?? Pleae help!


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    What sort of things do you like? Do you use meat substitutes?

    Vegetarian lasagna is really great. You could also roast up a big pan of root veggies and serve withs ome quinoa. Stews, soups and chilis would be a good start, along with big, veggie filled salads. Add some boiled egg if you eat eggs.
  • rachelhowell38
    rachelhowell38 Posts: 5 Member

    I found this website a good starting place, most recipes are easy to follow and the include the nutritional content for each portion.
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    I'm a veggie and I'm happy to help if I can....the most important thing to remember with veg food is to make sure you get enough protein, then you won't be so hungry...hummous, falafel, eggs, soft cheese, nuts...if you're from the UK vegetarian haggis is great so are quorn chicken pieces that you can eat in a noodle soup or a stir fry...feel free to add me as a friend and look at my diary (I eat some seafood as well). My favourite vegetarian cook books are The Leith's Bible of Vegetarian Cookery (out of print but worth getting second hand) and Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's Vegetable Book but quite often I just use the BBC Good Food website and put vegetarian in the filter. Good Luck!
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