5ft 5" + 12 stone, what do you like/dislike about your body?

Hi, I'm new to this site, just completed my first week and lost 2lbs :O) and looking forward to losing more, if anyone is similar to me please add me, I am 33, have 3 kids, 5st 5" just under 12 stone and would like to be 10st - 10st 7lbs.

What do you like dislike about your body? I don't mind my upper body but don't like my middle, bum and tops of legs.


  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi, I'm also 5'5" and I started last week at 13 stone (182lbs) and lost 7 pounds on week one and hope to be down another pound or two when I weigh in on Saturday.

    So...what do I dislike about my current body? I could probably say everything! I hate my back fat around my bra, I hate my that I have a new fatty area above my belly button that never used to be there. The cellulite on my thighs. Really, the only thing I like on my body are my breasts, which are big enough to block my view of my stomach when I look down! :-)

    There you have it! I'm going to stick to my diet and hope to be back into my pants in another month and then I'm hoping I can be back in shorts by summer and finally, wearing a bathing suit on vacation next November.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on losing 2lbs in your first week! That is great, and a sure motivator.

    I started at 197lbs and am down to 149lbs and am 5'4 at 20 yo.

    When I was larger, I hated everything. My face, my bum and thighs and my massive stomach pooch. I didn't mind my chest though.

    Now, I hate my arms. The fat around them just won't go, and I definitely have muscle under there! Everything else, I'm not too worried about! Stomach is getting it to where I want it to be.
  • rebecca8787
    i'm 5'4, and i'm around 10 stone 4 pounds right now, Most of it seems to have gone on my arms, back and bum. I dont mind my bum, my legs are quite thin but my arms always look huge in photos. I'd love to have slim arms again.

    My stomach is fine but could do with some toning up.

    good luck on your journey xx
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I'm 5"4 inches tall. I went from 250 pounds to my current 175

    Thighs for sure. but with my work out I am working on getting them slimmer.
  • CarlottaGorda
    First, congrats on being down 2 lbs.!

    Second ... have to admit I had to google the equivalent of stone to pounds. I'm a slightly confused Canadian :blushing: who grew up during the switch from Imperial to metric and while I drive in km/h, or know it is "100 km to Mom's house", my height and weight remain in feet/inches and pounds! Having said that, I'm only on Day 4 of MFP and haven't lost anything yet.

    I'm 5'2" and generaly hate my entire short & stumpy body: my calves used to be the most hated part of my body but I'm happy to say that in the past 10 years (since becoming active) my legs are now slightly less hideous to me, though I still hate to put on a bathing suit. My boobs are fairly large so I guess the "girls" help balance me out. :tongue: Currently hating my belly, and absolutely LOATHE my back fat (shudder) but working on reducing it all.
  • elfiebuffalo
    thanks all for replying :) only just had chance to check! back fat is a big yuk for me too :( x