For Women......on birth control pills no weight loss

Okay so i recently switched from depo to bc pills. I tried 3 different kinds and all 3 caused me to bloat gain weight horrible headaches ect Depo never caused me to gain weight, lost weight easily on them. Well my dr FINALLY found the perfevt pill for me. An ultra low dose pill called bloating no headaches at all. I feel normal HOWEVER I can not lose weight, I am not gaining weight like the other pills caused me to do but I can not lose ANYTHING. Im working out like crazy and eating super clean. Even eating low carb and my weight has stayed the same. I am getting so discouraged. Any thoughts on what I can do?????


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Go back on Depo if it worked for you?
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Keep trying different methods. In all honesty if depo was useful for you, and you were able to lose weight on it and there were not serious side effects from the shot then why change?

    I am going to go back on Depo again soon as I have endo pain and it was the only thing that kept me from feeling it all day, every day. However I gained on depo and found it harder to lose on it so I was unfortunate in that area.
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    I'm on the pill and I've had horrible troubles losing weight, it's just the risk you have to take. Either change back to Depo or literally work your *kitten* off (I do close to 8 hrs a week of very strenuous workouts to get the weight off)
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    I can not go back to depo due to me having my "woman problem" for months at a time. It was really messing up my life so pills with estrogen are really my only option at this point
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Have you given it a good 6 months to let your body get used to it? It shouldn't stop you losing weight, your maybe stuck in a plateau since your hormones have changed about a lot.
  • the Depo shot is a steroid and it will make you retain fluids and can actually cause you hold fluids in your face. But on some people it doesnt? It's also not the most reliable form of birth control.

    If you're set on something that doesn't cause weight gain the Mirena (IUD) is really good, but it last for 5 years and you usually have to wait about 3-6 months after removal to try to get pregnant again. It doesn't regulate your hormones like any other birthcontrol, it just deters your eggs from being fertilized.

    Also, if you really want a pill, request a VERY low estrogen pill. Estrogen is what will make you gain wait, swell, and have crazy mood swings. :-P
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    What about paragard or something without hormones?
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    i was on depo for 15 years which is something no one should ever do, it messed me up in so many ways other than i lost weight on it
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    Have you given it a good 6 months to let your body get used to it? It shouldn't stop you losing weight, your maybe stuck in a plateau since your hormones have changed about a lot.

    No i just started taking them this week
  • I have the same problem.. Every time I go on the pill I gain weight :(
    And I've just started taking it again so I'm trying SO hard to eat clean/exercise enough, but I was doing this last time and gained weight anyway!
    I would try and avoid it but I haven't had my period in 2 and a half years and my skin is paying the price! Sorry no help here but I'm keen if anyone knows how to get a pill with no weight gain too!
  • Serenitysonora
    Serenitysonora Posts: 1 Member
    I wish I had a good answer, but if you're eating healthy and getting fit give yourself credit for your hard work. If you're not gaining, that alone is an accomplishment. I gained 50 lbs in 5 years on the Mirena IUD and I'm still struggling to lose it several years after being done with it. Ugh. Maybe once your body gets accustomed to the new pill you'll start losing. But you're still on the right track.
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    the Depo shot is a steroid and it will make you retain fluids and can actually cause you hold fluids in your face. But on some people it doesnt? It's also not the most reliable form of birth control.

    If you're set on something that doesn't cause weight gain the Mirena (IUD) is really good, but it last for 5 years and you usually have to wait about 3-6 months after removal to try to get pregnant again. It doesn't regulate your hormones like any other birthcontrol, it just deters your eggs from being fertilized.

    Also, if you really want a pill, request a VERY low estrogen pill. Estrogen is what will make you gain wait, swell, and have crazy mood swings. :-P

    I wanted the iud but they didnt want to put me on it cs my body has alot of problems due to being on depo for almost 15 years and the iud has no hormones in it either. Apparently i need some hormones in my body to fix the problem i am having but am so scared to gain weight. The pills they gave me are an ultra dose and the lowest amount of estrogen they make in a bc pill
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Have you given it a good 6 months to let your body get used to it? It shouldn't stop you losing weight, your maybe stuck in a plateau since your hormones have changed about a lot.

    No i just started taking them this week

    Then take some time, it should be at least 12 weeks on this BC before you know if there is any real problems as your body needs to get used to it,
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Maybe take some time off the pill, see how your body respond and then go back to them once you are loosing weight, have your period naturally again and feel like you have control of your body/hormons. Then you can see if it truely is the pills that are making you unable to lose.
  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    It's amazing that I came to the message board to look for a discussion like this and yours was listed on the homepage. I'm sorry to hear about your weight gain. I just switched from being on NuvaRing for about a year and a half to a pill. I had started losing some weight in the last couple of months but as soon as I went on the pill I gained it all back plus a pound or two. My pants are fitting tighter again and even my sleeves in my shirt (embarrassing! I feel like the hulk). I haven't changed my eating habits, that I've noticed. Although I have been really inconsistent with logging my food. I just feel like a balloon and I can't stop inflating. I wish I had advice, I hope there is some solace in knowing you aren't alone though. I'm going to try to stick it out for a few more months (this is only my second pack) and see if everything levels out. I will let you know! Good luck to you!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I'm on Lo Loestrin and I am not having problems losing weight. It is a very low bc pill. I have always heard that it's not the actual bc pill that makes you gain weight but it can increase your appetite which will cause you to eat more and gain weight. My doctor told me to give the pill three months for your body to get used to it. Until then, just make sure you're still eating at a healthy deficit.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Switch to a diaphragm. No pills, no risks and it works just fine if you're disciplined.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Okay so i recently switched from depo to bc pills. I tried 3 different kinds and all 3 caused me to bloat gain weight horrible headaches ect Depo never caused me to gain weight, lost weight easily on them. Well my dr FINALLY found the perfevt pill for me. An ultra low dose pill called bloating no headaches at all. I feel normal HOWEVER I can not lose weight, I am not gaining weight like the other pills caused me to do but I can not lose ANYTHING. Im working out like crazy and eating super clean. Even eating low carb and my weight has stayed the same. I am getting so discouraged. Any thoughts on what I can do?????

    i would give it at least two months before deciding to change again.. your body needs to adjust to the new pill. i took lutera for 4 or 5 years and i didn't have any problems with it with regard to weight gain/loss until the end which was probably attributed to the fact that i had been on it for way too long as well as that i had a dermoid cyst on my ovary that i was unaware of.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Okay so i recently switched from depo to bc pills. I tried 3 different kinds and all 3 caused me to bloat gain weight horrible headaches ect Depo never caused me to gain weight, lost weight easily on them. Well my dr FINALLY found the perfevt pill for me. An ultra low dose pill called bloating no headaches at all. I feel normal HOWEVER I can not lose weight, I am not gaining weight like the other pills caused me to do but I can not lose ANYTHING. Im working out like crazy and eating super clean. Even eating low carb and my weight has stayed the same. I am getting so discouraged. Any thoughts on what I can do?????

    i would give it at least two months before deciding to change again.. your body needs to adjust to the new pill. i took lutera for 4 or 5 years and i didn't have any problems with it with regard to weight gain/loss until the end which was probably attributed to the fact that i had been on it for way too long as well as that i had a dermoid cyst on my ovary that i was unaware of.

    also i stopped taking the pill completely in order to lose weight. after i read up on the effects that the pill can have on your body (even years later after stopping use), i am leaning towards not even going back on it. hormones aren't something to mess with!
  • keshiabug1
    keshiabug1 Posts: 150
    I was on Lutera up until this past January and it effected me the same. I could not lose weigh... not even a lb. It is however, the best birth control pill I have found... and for me, had the least amount of side effects. Honestly, you may just have to chose which is more important to you... Not having children (which mind you can be prevented other ways) or losing weight. I do know though, that depovera is very responsible for weight gain, which I did not have on Lutera.

    Give Lutera at least 3 months is what I was told. I am not guaranteeing you will lose weight, but I know from experience (for my body) it was the best choice.