Grounds for Dismissal?



  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I think you have a good reason to wonder about about how sound this person's training advice is. Diet and exercise are so closely linked, how could you not question his advice on the one, when his understanding of the other is so poor. But you're smart, and should be able to tell if you're being steered in the wrong direction. Like if you start hearing about weightlifting making women bulky, unless they do high reps with low weights, then you might want to run for the nearest exit!
    :laugh: Wouldn't hurt to look around for someone you have a little more trust in though.

    Although you are obviously not going to mindlessly follow advice that you question, I worry about people who don't have as good a BS detector as you, or who aren't strong enough to stand up and say no.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    No, he hasn't tried to sell me anything and by the look on my face I am sure he could tell I wouldn't buy, but I just have such an icky feeling about a professional with this kind of ignorance. Don't they go through formal trianing? I go to LA Fitness, I would imagine you would need some sort of credentials?

    If by "formal training" you mean an internet course followed by a weekend test where if you pass it you get your Certified Personal Trainer Certificate then yes.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Have you or anyone at LA fitness checked his credentials?

    Had not occured to me. Any clue as to how to go about that?

    They should have either a business card for him or his name and info somewhere. The gym I go to, has all the info on the trainers on the wall-how they got their credentials; if they have them or are almost done getting them; etc. so you can know which one might fit your needs better
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    No, he hasn't tried to sell me anything and by the look on my face I am sure he could tell I wouldn't buy, but I just have such an icky feeling about a professional with this kind of ignorance. Don't they go through formal trianing? I go to LA Fitness, I would imagine you would need some sort of credentials?

    LA Fitness? no. lol. formal training maybe. But REAL and EDUCATIONAL and SCIENTIFIC? no.

    If you know the parts of the body well enough, the systems of the body, and can take a test - you can be a personal trainer. But some facilities (like Planet Fitness and Gold's Gym) do not require you to even have a certification. Gold's certifies you through their own "personal training classes." Give me a break.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    No, he hasn't tried to sell me anything and by the look on my face I am sure he could tell I wouldn't buy, but I just have such an icky feeling about a professional with this kind of ignorance. Don't they go through formal trianing? I go to LA Fitness, I would imagine you would need some sort of credentials?

    If by "formal training" you mean an internet course followed by a weekend test where if you pass it you get your Certified Personal Trainer Certificate then yes.

    Have you seen that information? Let's not act like it's a not a big deal to take that test. You have to learn a lot of information. But if you are capable of doing so then yes, you can pass it. But it's not something anyone could do in a weekend. Not by any stretch.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If you're going to be that judgemental, then it probably is time to find that PERFECT trainer for you. After all, the ground you walk on is hallowed.

    JFC.... did he say he was doing the Master Cleanse or something? You know, there's nothing wrong with doing a cleanse depending on the protocol. He could drink water for 24 hours, and yes, he would purge toxins. Everyone thinks everything is a cleanse nowadays and the info you gave us leaves out a lot of details.

    Also, let me just say, I looked at your breakfast yesterday...... how in the hell is someone the devil for mentioning a cleanse and you're taking every synthetic supplement from Walmart? :laugh:

    Gulping down chocolate casein protein shakes is the enlightened path now? MFP is a wild place.

    Drinking water for 24 hours is going to purge which toxins exactly?
  • malibu5880
    malibu5880 Posts: 31 Member
    You go to him for weight training, not nutritional advice. If you are happy with the weight training, then what does what he decides to eat have to do with it? Unless he tries to convince you to do it as well, I see no reason to stop training with him.

    So much this.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Have you or anyone at LA fitness checked his credentials?

    Had not occured to me. Any clue as to how to go about that?

    Ask him? It could kill 2 birds with one stone - you find out his credentials and it keeps him busy so he doesn't talk about his 'cleanse'. :D
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Don't talk politics or religion with him either. I'd let it slide if he's otherwise good.


    He's not a doctor or a dietician.

    He's just a trainer and if he's giving you progressively challenging programs that allow you to meet your goals then let him shove raspberry ketones up his rear end for all you care. Luckily you have the knowledge not to buy into that stuff.
  • Se_hall
    Se_hall Posts: 7
    LA Fitness trainers are required to have some sort of a certification to be a personal trainer. However, you can obtain a certification by simply taking a test.

    Personal trainers are by LAW not permitted to give nutritional advice. They can make suggestions, and comment on what they do, but are not allowed to say "eat this or don't eat that".

    If you're worried about your trainer's certifications, most gyms will give you the certification information if you ask. Look for a certification beyond letters (NESTA, ACSM, COOPER, NASM). Look for some sort of schooling with a degree in exercise physiology or kinesiology.

    If you're seeing results with your trainer, don't abandon him because his nutritional beliefs are slightly skewed - everyone has different ideas of what a "cleanse" is. If you're not seeing the results you want, look for a new trainer with a degree, not just a certification!

    Source: Hubby is a personal trainer with a degree in exercise physiology with a focus in kinesiology, special populations (special needs i.e. autism, multiple sclerosis, etc.), and general weight loss.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I workout with a trainer once a week since December, we work on weight training and I have been happy to a point. Last night, he told me he was starting a "cleanse" to remove all the "toxins" from his system. <cringe> I have never relied on him for nutrition advice, and I have been happy with the fitness advice to an extent. I guess I was surprised at his ignorance but I just figured a professional would know better, now it has led me to worry about if I should be wary of any fitness advice as well.

    Has anyone ever received questionable advice from their trainer? How did you handle it?

    You've been happy up to a point.

    You've been happy - to an extent.

    Sounds like you are not that thrilled with the training you've been doing with this trainer. You are working on weight training, has your strength continued to progress, or did you notice gains at the beginning and now you don't really feel like you're making progress any more? Maybe it's time to ditch the trainer.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If you're going to be that judgemental, then it probably is time to find that PERFECT trainer for you. After all, the ground you walk on is hallowed.

    JFC.... did he say he was doing the Master Cleanse or something? You know, there's nothing wrong with doing a cleanse depending on the protocol. He could drink water for 24 hours, and yes, he would purge toxins. Everyone thinks everything is a cleanse nowadays and the info you gave us leaves out a lot of details.

    Also, let me just say, I looked at your breakfast yesterday...... how in the hell is someone the devil for mentioning a cleanse and you're taking every synthetic supplement from Walmart? :laugh:

    Gulping down chocolate casein protein shakes is the enlightened path now? MFP is a wild place.

    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    Holy cannoli, yes.

    Stuff like that is why I stopped going to yoga classes. I just couldn't accept advice on health and fitness from people who believe in energy locks and breathing into your buttocks. Cleanses are even worse.

    Cannolies (or is that Cannolis) either way, are yum...breathing buttocks should only go out not in.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I run or do the elliptical for 3 miles or more 5x a week, do a spinning class for 55 minutes 3x a week, row on the rowing machine for 10 minutes 4 or 5x a week, and do 3 to 4 days of strength training for 30 minutes to an hour a week. Just had a personal trainer at the gym tell me that someone my size, I'm 5'2" and 130 lbs, shouldn't be eating more than 1200 calories a day, even though he knows my workout schedule. I wanted to cry. Really. Came here and asked some questions about it and now I know that I probably shouldn't even ask him the time of day. It's a shame because people really put stock into what they say. I really think to be a personal trainer they should have some knowledge about nutrition. Apparently not all of them do.:frown:
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I workout with a trainer once a week since December, we work on weight training and I have been happy to a point. Last night, he told me he was starting a "cleanse" to remove all the "toxins" from his system. <cringe> I have never relied on him for nutrition advice, and I have been happy with the fitness advice to an extent. I guess I was surprised at his ignorance but I just figured a professional would know better, now it has led me to worry about if I should be wary of any fitness advice as well.

    Has anyone ever received questionable advice from their trainer? How did you handle it?

    Good question…

    I'm a big believer in "science based" ≤fill in the blank≥ and I expect that people who are charging me money for their advice provide me with expert advice. A conversation that includes either "cleanse" or "toxins", as you're offering them here, clearly does not fall into that category.

    Does that mean that I would stop seeing a personal trainer who believed that cleansing has value? Absolutely.

    If a person actually thinks in those terms, I have reason to suspect everything else that comes out of their mouth. In this case, you realize that he's telling you about things that have no basis in fact and you know that because you have knowledge on those topics. How can you trust that person's advice on topics with which you're not familiar?

    Unless this individual has a specific expertise that you can't find in another trainer, I'd walk — there are scads of other folks to fill that person's shoes.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I have been training with my coach for the past 2 1/2 years - when it comes to nutrition and strength and conditioning he is one of the smartest people I know, and as my pals will tell you I pretty much worship the ground he walks on.

    He is forever searching / training to find the best for his clients and has helped me more than I can put in words.....

    He is starting a 5 day cleanse on Monday - and here is a few reasons he is doing it:

    1) Some of his clients have come to him and asked him what he thinks of it - he feels that unless he has tried it himself he should not be giving his advice / opinion to them
    2) There are times when the right type of cleanse might be appropriate - it is (and should never be seen as) a "quick fix", but when people's diet has been really bad it is one of the ways to slide them into a better healthier way of life....
    3) Because he is really well respected in the industry the company that is selling it has asked him to trial it, and give them feedback on how they can make it a better product (he is not getting paid for "selling" it) - he is just giving them advice...... one of the things he has already identified is that they are using agave syrup in the mistaken belief that it is healthy, so that will be worked into future formulations...

    He knows it is going to be tough - but I take my hat off to him for giving it a go.....

    So - in the end of the day it is not always just "idiots" that does this type of thing.....

    Sounds as if the guy is not trying to force you into trying it - buying it - in the end of the day it is his choice....his life
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    not grounds and frankly you sound a bit closed minded about the whole thing.
  • Kattamer81
    Everyone and anyone can be a trainer nowadays it seems. But I don't believe that trainers usually have any nutritional training and what not. If you think his fitness advice is good, then just stick to talking to him about that and don't take any nutritional advice from him. Or find a new trainer that you trust.

    ^this...he's a trainer, not a dietician. I would take his fitness advice, and politely ignore any dietary advice.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Everyone and anyone can be a trainer nowadays it seems. But I don't believe that trainers usually have any nutritional training and what not. If you think his fitness advice is good, then just stick to talking to him about that and don't take any nutritional advice from him. Or find a new trainer that you trust.

    ^this...he's a trainer, not a dietician. I would take his fitness advice, and politely ignore any dietary advice.

    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    A friend of mine did PT training and pilates training at the most expensive gym in the area I live. I looked at the prerequisites and the intellectual level is that of the average 15 y/o imo.

    But, maybe I'm an elitist snob...

    Also, the people who assess are completely unregulated and seem to fail or pass you on a whim.