which numbers are important? calorie wise

Which numbers do i pay attention to in my log if i dont want to eat back my calories?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Which numbers do i pay attention to in my log if i dont want to eat back my calories?

    Total calories consumed
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Your food total, not your net or remaining. I do TDEE - 25% (which already includes my exercise cals) so I don't eat back my exercise cals unless I burn more then my TDEE - 25%. It took awhile to get ignore the net and remaining but it works.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    I just wait to log exercise until after my food is logged for the day. No confusion ;)
  • coderlaury
    coderlaury Posts: 24 Member
    Which numbers do i pay attention to in my log if i dont want to eat back my calories?

    I pay attention to my total calories, but also, I need to keep my protein grams up, and my carbs down. I also make sure I have my fiber...I have a strong family history of colon cancer. I also try to keep my sugar low. My dietitian says it's important also to watch sodium...but I don't usually go over on that. So, in other words, it's a game to keep all the numbers within limits. It takes a while, but you will get the hang of it. Good Luck
  • bridge1101
    bridge1101 Posts: 15 Member
    im just confused.and not sure if ive set the correct number for my goal. my TDEE is 1896..for light to no exercise.
    base on how much i want to loose..ive set my goal at 1350... is this right? i have incorporated exercise 5 days a week.
  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Well how did you figure out your TDEE? Did u times your BMR by your activity level? And how how weight do you want to lose?

    For example, My BMR is 1671. I exercise 5-6 days a week at an hr minimum and weight lift 3 times a week. I'm burning 700-900 cals per workout. So with my active workouts, I did my BMR of 1671 x 1.725 (for 5-6 days a week) which is 2882 for my TDEE. I still have 54lbs to lose so I can do my TDEE - 25% (read up on TDEE and road map on here, if you don't have much to lose you might only do TDEE -15%, read up on it). 25% off of my TDEE of 2882 is 720.5 so I subtract that from TDEE which equals 2161.5 which is my calorie goal for the day. I don't eat back my exercise cals unless I burn more than the 720.5 in a workout. Easy and works. I customize my goals that way and have protein at 30%, carbs 40% and fat 30%. Again check out the road map post on here. It's very helpful and breaks it up even more for you.
  • bridge1101
    bridge1101 Posts: 15 Member
    i googled TDEE calculator and entered my info. I would like to loose 30-40lbs.

    I currently weigh 175 lbs...last i checked which was about a week ago.