Weird weight gains?

I've been eating about 1200-1500 calories a day, but my weight is fluctuating. Sometimes, it'd go down a pound in a day, sometimes its half a pound. Other times, like today, when I weighed myself, I gained 2 pounds in 2 days. I do count calories because how much I can eat scares me. I'm a little confused as to why this is happening. Should I just be stricter in counting my calories? I'm 95% sure I don't eat enough to GAIN 2 pounds in 2 days...


  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    Stop weighing yourself everyday!! Try just once a week- it is totally normal for your weight to fluctuate that much on a daily basis!

    I didn't look at your diary, but your calories don't sound bad- could have to do with sodium, water retention, activity levels, any number of things can make your weight fluctuate that much.

    But really, don't weigh yourself everyday, you'll make yourself crazy!!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    yea daily weighing is terrible for the psychie.. I can be 5 pounds different in a day.. i have decided to weigh myself once a month.. (well I do it more often, but I only track it once a month). yesterday I was 1 pound heavier then I was when I weighed myself last month. But before that I had dropped 2 pounds below what it was. It's crazy.. but I picked a time in between periods so I'm at my best. Physcially and mentally, so not matter waht that scale says I can handle it. Also make sure you weigh yourself at the same time when you do weigh. The difference a few hours can make is amazing...

    The food choices do make a difference. and I know today will be a bad one if I get on a scale. Ham is so high is sodium it's the devil for water weight. I know that' the problem. However, eating something like that for a day or two will not undo months of good eating. Our bodies can handle and process occasional indulgences. It's when you do it everyday that the problem arises.

    My body is telling me not to eat much today.. so I'm trying ot listen to it. I have a great day planned out, but i'm gonna have my snack for lunch and save my lunch for tomorrow. I ate too much yesterday, so my body is freaking out. I knew it would too, cause I was sick last night afterwards.

    Our bodies are amazing, if only we'd listen to them more instead of listening to the media.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Commit to weighing in only once a week, no matter what. Same day of the week and time of day. And take your basic measurements monthly. That's my humble advice.
  • Alright guys. Thanks a ton! I'll try to stop driving myself crazy haha.