Insanity for beginners - new thread please?

985Amanda Posts: 6 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I have tried to read the thread that is already going but it is just waaaaay too long to get caught up on. Can I start a new one to ask questions and hope people will answer? please pretty please.....:)

I just completed my first day, did the Fit test. I think I got pretty good results, but even though I am in fairly good shape already, I thought I was going to much should I eat before I do this and how long should I wait after I have eaten?

Also, how do I calculate the amount of calories I burn with each workout since it's not on here in the database already?

I am very excited to complete this, as I can't wait to get the body the girls on the DVD least I can hope I will get there. Plus it will be great to up my cardio level, as I play rugby at a pretty competitive level, and I need to be at my cardio best for that sport.

So I putting this out there, hoping someone can answer the questions of all of us just starting on this journey.



  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Tia -

    I just finished Round One of Insanity - I did every single workout every single day! I had AMAZING results - lost 20 pounds, and over 21 inches... I'm now just starting Round Two.. if you want to sync up workouts, let me know.. I can walk you through. Alternately, you can read my day by day bumps, bruises, and upsets on my journal ""

    So the first Fit Test is HARD ~ I had the same reaction, and it's perfectly normal and in line with what everyone else feels. Remember, Insanity is a program designed to push YOU to YOUR max ~ so it fits that you felt this way during a fit test. With each workout week you'll notice improvements.. and learn to pace yourself, too. Focus on FORM, and intensity will come. I sweated like a pig through each warm up even now as I start Round Two and am 20 lbs lighter.. it doesn't end.

    I would suggest a Heart Rate monitor, as it's the closest measure of your body's performance and calorie burn. I have a Polar F6 ~ which is higher end, and you certainly can get by with a lower end monitor. Likewise, I have listed my average calorie burn on my journal for each exercise. It seems to be in line with average ~

    Hope that helps!! And can't wait to hear about your results! I *know* you'll be thrilled.

  • Hi Amanda - when are you working out? If you do morning workouts, it's best to do them on an empty stomach. If you're like me and you do it in the course of the day, be careful when you eat. If you eat a full meal, give it at least 3 hours to digest. If it's just a small snack - leave one to two hours. I'm in the middle of round one myself after finishing two rounds of P90X :)
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have tried to read the thread that is already going but it is just waaaaay too long to get caught up on. Can I start a new one to ask questions and hope people will answer? please pretty please.....:)

    I just completed my first day, did the Fit test. I think I got pretty good results, but even though I am in fairly good shape already, I thought I was going to much should I eat before I do this and how long should I wait after I have eaten?

    Also, how do I calculate the amount of calories I burn with each workout since it's not on here in the database already?

    I am very excited to complete this, as I can't wait to get the body the girls on the DVD least I can hope I will get there. Plus it will be great to up my cardio level, as I play rugby at a pretty competitive level, and I need to be at my cardio best for that sport.

    So I putting this out there, hoping someone can answer the questions of all of us just starting on this journey.

    Hi TIA, Good job at choosing Insanity! Yes it is extreme and insane but wow you feel wonderful when you get that daily workout finished! This is my second round with Chalene X added into it and I deal with severe hypothyroisim so some days are a real struggle but you just push play and give it your all! I ask that you join us on the Insanity part 6 thread started by ripely36, it is very informative, encourageing and motivating. We have new members daily so any question you ask is always quickly answered. There are beachbody coaches on there that have been through this and other beach body workouts numerous times, they are great!!! I will be looking for ya on there!!!:smile:
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