TDEE and no weight Loss

I have been trying to eat almost close to TDEE - 20% off which is 1950 cal. Its been two weeks and my weight keeps fluctuating between +1-2lb and back to nomal. My weight doesnt come down at all. I execise 5-6 times a week too. Can someone help me with this. I m not eating a pefect clean diet. Is it coz of this? HEEELLLPPPP!! Getting frustrated.


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How long were you eating much less than this? It may take awhile for your body to adjust if you have suppressed your metabolism by eating too little for too long.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I agree..give it more in 6-8 weeks time.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    What did you use for activity level? Exercising 5-6 days a week should be at least moderately active. Also make sure you are not eating back exercise calories. And yes, give it some more time. I've been doing TDEE-20% for 2 months and lost 8 lbs...hang in there a little bit longer and if it's not for you then try to reevaluate after 6-8 weeks of a good effort.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    It's tough without seeing your diary-are you weighing your food? 2 weeks honestly isn't enough time. Have you taken measurements to see if you've lost inches?
  • janette130
    janette130 Posts: 66 Member
    Most often it takes your body time to realize your serious. My suggestion is to be patient. I know it's hard when you're not seeing results. Keep up the good work with the exercising. It will pay off. Just wait for it and maybe stop weighing yourself. I use to weigh every week, but when I didn't see results, I would get so frustrated. Once I even through the scale back into the closet. I decided then to just keep doing what I was doing (eating better and working out) and it would come.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Step away from the scale. Hard to do, I know. Try weighing once a week and give it a few more weeks. I am on y 2nd week of this same plan and I'm a wee bit nervous. Hope to have success with it like others here have shared.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    A few things...
    1. tdee is an estimate and very inaccurate in my experince. Use the scale/measurments/mirror/clothes/how feel and adjust you calories that way. Even using MFP as a counter is way off and so are food lables.
    2. Are you REALLY sure you're in a deficit?
    3. Your weigth flucutates for a number of reasons. Sodium, water retention, muscle lost, muscle gained, fat loss fat gained, changed in diet, change in amount of calories eaten...etc the list goes on.
    4. You maybe working out too much
    5. Its not because you're eating "dirty" I eat what people call 'junk" all the time. To me thats good food. :bigsmile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Also, you are very close to your goal weight. 2 kg = 4.4 pounds. It is always hardest to lose the last bit of weight, it just takes a long time. When you do lose, it will likely only be a quarter to half a pound a week. You might need to adjust your calories to TDEE - 15% or even TDEE - 10%. But any changes you need to give more than a couple of weeks before declaring it isn't working and changing it up.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    One to two weeks is too soon. Please commit to continuing until the end of April. Don't weight yourself this month. It will be hard for you to do, but it will be harder for you to keep going if you distract yourself with misleading data!
  • slimtoneneetz
    slimtoneneetz Posts: 97 Member
    Thank u all. I really appreciate your replies :) Will keep into account about waiting part :)