After work/Before Dinner snacking



  • DocGilbs
    DocGilbs Posts: 4
    Try a protein shake. It fights off the hunger and helps you feel full. But since it's just a shake you'll still be hungry for dinner later. It helps me a lot because as soon as I get home I have to walk the dog, change out of my work clothes, etc. When I drink a protein shake (slimfast or muscle milk are my faves) it stops me from being so hungry that I snack on bad foods or make a huge dinner I don't need.
  • kinu21_82
    kinu21_82 Posts: 116 Member
    I am home by 5 and eat my dinner at 8pm. In that 3 hr gap, I try to eat a fiber one bar or half a cup of dry cheerios or half cup coffee with milk.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    go to the gym after work can't snack there
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    Instead of fighting it, accommodate it. Make that your snack time and budget your daily calories for it. That's how I handle my after dinner snacking.

    ^^^THIS is me too! I have an early lunch time 10:30-11 so I am hungry way before dinner time which is usual around 6:30 (unless we have a baseball game or track meet then it can be even later) so I "budget" an afternoon snack in my calories! My go to one is a 60 calorie reduced fat cheddar cheese stick & 60 calorie jacks links beef jerky stick, LOTS of protein so it's filling and all under 150 calories!!
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    I drink iced tea sweetened with stevia if I'm hungry, but it's not time to eat. It's more satisfying than water when I have the urge to eat.
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    I bring a piece of snack cheese, fiber one bar, or a banana to work with me and eat it about 30 minutes before I leave. Then I head straight to the gym until dinner time :)
  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    I struggle with this also. I try to have a big glass of water when I get home, or distract myself with short tasks like putting in a load of laundry, dusting a room, etc. , or plan to run errands or get my exercise in after work.
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    If you feel that you need to snack when you get home, then you are not being satidfied enough during the day. I used to eat 3 sqaure meals a day, now its 6 small meals and I find that I dont snack. Try adding more protein in your meals and make sure you are eating breakfast. Its been proven, especially in women that if we eat a well rounded breakfast with atleast half of your daily intake of protein, you will find yourself less hungry and snacking during the day. If you have an afternoon snack say between 2-3, you will not want to snack when you get home. Try having almonds, greek yogurt, string cheese or other foods that are high in protein, low in fat and carbs. Good luck!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    This is also my biggest challenge...maybe a bad habit from being a kid? I'd come home from school STARVING and Mom would tell me not to eat because I'd spoil my appetite so I'd sneak food. Now when my kids come home from school they can finish whatever is left in their lunchboxes (usually fruit) and I get dinner going right away. We eat early (4:30) and a light snack before bed.

    I love you. :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I had to cut out my afternoon snack to fit under my calorie goal (the downside of losing weight). 4pm is when I start chewing gum and by the time the flavor is gone, I can cook supper.
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I used to struggle with this as well. So, I tried to switch things up a bit and I changed my eating habits. Instead of just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have broken my day down into "mini- meals". I have breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, dinner and before bed snack - each meal is about 200-400 calories so I usually don't even eat all of my calories for the day, especially when I get a good work out in. I literally feel like I am eating ALL day long and I am FULL all day long too. This leads to less binging, because you are eating all of the time anyways, you just have to make healthy choices - fruit, cheese, hard boiled eggs, veggies, pretzals, protein shakes, salads etc. That way, if you are a snacker like I am, you plan for it and it works for you. Don't fight your body, work with it and you will get the best results. Good luck!!
  • Crossett0803
    Crossett0803 Posts: 7 Member
    I use my crock pot a lot for dinner. When I get home, it's ready. No time for snacking
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I weigh myself as soon as a walk in the door (I'm one of those everyday weighers) then if it gives me a low number then I get excited because if I eat well for the rest of the night, I wonder what I will weigh in the morning. OR if it gives me a high number, its a reminder for me to stay on track.

    For some people, the scale is discouraging... for me its motivating.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    I feel you!! I'm a snacker!!

    Either you work it into your caloric goal ie make calorie allowance for the after work snack and not have too big a dinner, or have something to do after work! Be it hang out with friends, take a shower and paint your nails, do some shopping, or cleaning your house/grocery shopping, chores that you can allocate to do at that time! Staying busy helps! And yes gum haha.