no energy, always tired.. any suggestions?



  • stadter
    stadter Posts: 13 Member
    I had some similar issues a few years ago and it actually ended up being an element of some food intolerances. I went through all kinds of tests as others have mentioned for hormones and low vitamin levels. Nothing stuck out in particular, although some were a little low. When the intolerences started triggering full blown IBS though, the pieces made sense.

    If it's possible, eliminate some of the bigger intolerance items for a week or two at a time (dairy, wheat, some people are even sensititve to certain types of vegetables). The first time will take a little while to cycle through, but you might notice a difference within just a few days. After you figure it out, you'll still be tired since you've got a toddler and all :-) but you might feel a difference between sleep deprived / exhausted tired and that 'my body is giving up on me' tired.

    Something else to keep in mind, if this could be it for you... For me, it is wheat, corn and sometimes dairy. I can do things in moderation but only every so often and once my body is 'clean', eating too much of something on my 'bad' list might not kick in for about 3 days, which makes it difficult to know what the problem is.

    Last thing that made a difference for me was to know when my body wanted to be fed. Not sure if that summed it up right, but basically, I know there are times of the day that I can and cannot eat (even if I am hungry) if my body hasn't given me certain signals (w/o giving too much detail... it has to do with the bathroom mostly)...
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    if you have a heavy TOM it could be that you are low on Iron. i was like this for years then started taking iron supplement and was fine.
  • nadinepeabody
    nadinepeabody Posts: 1 Member
    Have your adrenals checked. With your schedule (kids, workouts, etc) you may be experiencing adrenal crash. Check it out.
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    I take Iron pills and B12 along with my multi. I hadn't thought about increasing my Vitamin D. I was taking the Super B complex but they mad me jittery. Maybe if I take a half a pill that will help. I will try The vitamin D and see if that helps. Thanks for your suggestions.

    I would get your Vit D level checked before taking supplements. I had mine checked and was very deficient. I started supplements and haven't felt the same fatigue. Problem is remembering to take it each day :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    How many calories are you netting a day?
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I don't have any suggestions, just popping in to say that your family is adorable!
  • kelsbaby5874
    Here are my suggestions... I would surely get your vit D and B12 checked as many other people have said. If you have a serious B12 problem your doctor will give you shots, just taking pills is usually not enough to bring your levels up enough. Also do get checked for sleep apnea, Do you snore, dream? Usually people that have sleep apnea snore but not always and you don't have to be over weight to have sleep apnea, it can happen to some people because of how their throat/jaws are built. I hope the doc did some comprehensive blood work, a metabolic profile, cbc, diabetes, etc. Also most importantly it could still be your thyroid. This is the issue with checking your thyroid.... see most doctors only check TSH levels but your TSH can be normal and you still have thyroid issues because you could have elevated thyroid antibodies. They need to check your TSH, thyroid antibodies, Free and total T3 and T4 (these are the test endocrinologist run) and do have your B12 and Vit D checked also. You may want to consider seeing an endocrinologist if your problems continue.

    Hope this helps.
    *i am not a doctor and only a doctor can correctly diagnosis and treat you* This are just some of my suggestions : )