What do I need to know about juicing?



  • LupeLupita
    LupeLupita Posts: 2 Member
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've been juicing for nearly a year... My best advice is JUICE vegetables and BLEND fruits. Fruits are higher in the Glycemic index, so it's good to retain all of the fiber with them, so BLEND them if you can. VEGETABLES tend to have a lot more cellulose which aren't always yummy to drink blended, so I JUICE my vegetables. Juicing vegetables gets rid of the insoluble fiber, but you still get all the soluble fiber retained in the juice. If I want to do a juice with soft fruits, I'll juice my fiberous vegetables and then pour the juice into the blender with whatever fruits I want to include.

    Your juicer matters... Cheap juicers sometimes aren't really efficient. They can also be hard to clean and loud. I paid 250 for my juicer and I've used it almost every day. For me it was the best choice because it is very efficient and quiet. also it takes less than three minutes to clean I have the omega 8004/8006 horizontal juicer. It's AWESOME... If you don't mind a juicer that perhaps leaves a bit of a wetter pulp, then l'equip makes a really decent cheap juicer.. The hamilton also is pretty good. If you get really into juicing, then you can always buy a more efficient juicer down the road. I chose my juicer because I juice a LOT of kale and leafy greens and the omega is one of the most efficient at juicing greens. The omega juicer sucks at juicing soft fruits which is fine with me since I don't believe in juicing fruits anyway.... the only fruits that go in my juicer are apples and citrus.... and very rarely pineapple... everything else gets blended.

    Thanks for this! So I will look for a juicer that does both blending and pulping. I know the more expensive ones are probably much nicer... I just don't have the budget for a $300 blender right now :(

    I don't know of a juicer that does both.. I just use my regular blender for blending.,.. and the juicer for juicing. There are also tons of youtube videos that can help you pick the best juicer for you in your price range. The discountjuicers.com and rawfoods.com youtube channels have tons of info.. the juice guy, John Kohller is a bit annoying at first, but he grows on you and he's very sincere and passionate about what he does.