Do genetics really keep you from getting skinny?



  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    Eating cake and ice cream, mcdonalds and burger king, nachos and cheese.....things like this are what keeps us from getting skinny
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    You eat at a deficit, you will lose. Big boned is a myth. Just do the program, eating right, counting calories and get 90 minutes of cardio a week; you'll be amazed.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Who the heck wants to be "skinny" ??? Not me !!
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    Personally, I am 5'8" and my goal is to get to 160lbs which is at the very top of the "recommended" weight I be at. It varies from person to person because for myself, if I even drop 5lbs and get to 155, my ribs and hip bones start poking out.... and I do not find that attractive. I have broad shoulders and wide hips (thank you german heritage) and find that you just need to find the weight that makes you look most healthy :)
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Absolutely not!! I say this with complete confidence because my entire family, maternal and paternal are obese, .. my highest weight was 208 with full term pregnancy. I have had to work hard and eat right to be where I am but it is achievable. Genes do play a role in your composition but you have control over it ultimately and you can be the size you want to be :) Don't give up! 20 is a good start :)
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    Have you done measurements to know if you really are big boned? I spent a part of my life obese and always told myself I was "big boned". When I actually started to lose and took measurements; I realized I was not!


    But additionally, while genetic things height and build (square vs more curvy) which can determine how you carry your weight, you definitely can get in shape and look fantastic and reduce your weight quite a bit (it just might look different on you than you expect, due to your build).
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I did a 23andme test. Wrote about it in another thread. One of my "traits" is that I only have slight reduction in BMI with exercise ...I always responded to weights well but I think this study may be about cardio.. I can do cardio till the cows come home and NOTHING happens.

    So I already have that stacked against me.

    Another thing I am a CT... which means (there is a sterotype that asian women are small and petite and don't gain as much muscle.turns out per my genetic test.. not true. Imagine if I kept believing that like some ppl that they are meant to be big and never reach their potential.)

    I have alot of muscle power and due to my fast twitch fibers respond excellent to weights. Not in my head. I do see good muscle gains and why I probably never succeeded very well with running and prefer the weights) and I count being a CT as a pro instead of a con.

    So are some things genetic. Yes..But even though my test says I have one con- my body doesn't respond well to things like cardio( my own experiencE) my other genetic trait is telling me something I knew all along... I respond well to weights.

    I decided a few years ago to hop off the marathon bandwagon and do what I loved- weightlifting. My genetic results prove me correct..but proves to me that one can also fight the cons. I did by doing the exercise regimen I felt best suited me. Running just made me gain weight. Maybe it would do opposite for others who have different genetic traits.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I hear you!

    Genetics do play a part. If that wasn't the case then everybody would be the same size! But I'm also with you in that I have no desire to be skinny - just healthy and more defined. I think that for people like us it will take more work (and more patience) but I do believe we can get there.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    Go live in an African Village for 2 yrs and see if genetics is this issue. I'm thinking you will come back skinny(i.e. Malnourished) it really has to do with diet and exercise(how much we move during the day). I hate to sound condescending but it really is that simple. We live in a society where you can eat pretty much anything at anytime, this is what makes us overweight.
    Not sure I believe this. I think you may be missing her message. Can she get thinner? Probably given her goal. Can she get to "skinny"? Maybe, it depends on what she defines "skinny" to be. That isn't a goal, that is an image. Avoid images that can't be measured, set realistic achievable goals. If you fall for stereo-typical definitions of body type you will likely go from unhealthy overweight to unhealthy underweight, or will quit in the attempt.

    I will agree with the last part of your statement though, we live in a society where food in general is plentiful and our brains aren't geared to tell us to stop, so that is our jobs to recognize that we need to set real boundaries for ourselves. Also our brains are wired, for the most part, to enjoy foods that are actually not good for us because we think we are stocking up for when we won't have food.