Justabout to give up



  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    OMG- You so have to read some of my posts! Exactly the same and I was about to scream also if one more person told me I was building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat- a pd of fat weighs a pd a pd of muscle weighs a pd! LOL! And I did quit all together. I was training for a 1/2 marathon, I had done 90 days of P90X, I was eating within my calorie allowance....I would lose 1/2 pd if any and I was lucky if I didn't lose/gain the same 1/2 pd that I loss the week before!...Towards the end of my training I was exercising 6 days a week and running about 20 miles a week...all for 1/2 pd...What!!!! Ok so here's what I changed!! Still not having big losses but eventually your body will start giving that weight up and it's good that it won't do it so quickly!...I changed my caloric intake to 1500 calories instead of 1200..I try not to go over that number on my rest days...on my workout days I try to eat 1800 calories...and I try to burn atleast 400 calories on my workout days..if I burn more than that then I increase my caloric intake a little..At the end of the week, I normally have some calories that are banked but I also have atleast a day that I went over..didn't make such good choices..but that's ok...it all balances out with the ones I have banked...I try to only eat 3 times a day and one snack..I try to eat balanced meals...if I had a higher carb lunch...then dinner I eat lean protein, veggies..I watch my carbs..I try to only eat whole grains, lean proteins, lower sugar fruits, veggies and I drink a lot of water...Oh and this is something I have cut out...I do not eat anything 3 hours before my bedtime...before I would have my snack after dinner....I cut that out and I'm seeing better results...I was looking back and even though it has been a slow process...I've lost 17.5 pds since Jan 9th! Slow and steady is the key to success...I can tell you when I weighed 193...I could not get pass that number...for months...I would pass it and come back to it...each week...don't know what the deal was but I was about to scream...now I'm 12.5 pds from that number and I will never see it again! Never!!! I also was like you and felt there was something medically wrong...I've never had a weight problem- my entire life...until after the birth of my son....he's 7 will be 8 in Dec...but I'm also 41 yrs old will be 42 and losing weight isn't easy with this old metabolism...but it will move if you keep active!..I went to a specialist and she did a cortisol test...came back neg...I did a glucose tolerance test....no problems there...all my bloodwork looks good....It seems this past month...I'm over the hump and heading down...so you may be close to your hump...don't give up!! Mix up your workouts...do some strength training, go for a bike ride (fat burning) run/walk..whatever you are doing...change it up..shock your body a little!
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Same as the other post.........cut down on your exercise. Your body needs time to rest. I was 185 when I started this in February. I do very little exercise. I am now at 159 and am on 1200 calories per day. There are even days when I have gone over 100-200. Only thing that I can say is if you want to lose it, stick with it.....you will eventually have a breakthrough. Good luck to you.
  • ndnlou
    ndnlou Posts: 29
    Well thanks for all the responses, first of all let me say that I did have all my blood levels checked and I was completely normal, 2 hour glucose tolerance test, thyroid, T3, T4, serum insulin testosterone etc... The exercise that i do is Jillian Michaels 30 day shred right now and I am on week 2 of this. So not exercising every day is not an option right now, I want to complete the 30 day shred. I have lost a little tiny bit of the muffin top, and I now have a slight curve to my sides at my natural waist that has always been srtaight, but the scales should move. I am active, I do a lot of walking every day, I walk about one to 2 miles in the coarse of the work day. I adjusted my life style activity now to be sedintary and that drops my calorie goal to 1380. I have a HHR on order and I am waiting on it to arrive. I find that the MFP gives me way high counts for my exercise so I calculate the calories burned on another web site then input results to MFP. Now that i have adjusted my activity level it looks like I have been a little pig, and ate way over what I was allotted.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    It looked like most days your exercise was only adding 200 calories. This seems low for doing Jillian's 30 day shred program. You may need to try increasing your calories a bit.