Excessive Hair Growth

Hi, so I have excessive hair growth.........that annoys me every day on my face. I have to spend 1 hour daily just threading in the bathroom everyday! The scientific term for it is hirsutism I have some questions for females in a similar situation:

1) If you had it before and don't have it now, what did you change? Did you see your doctor and start pills or a special cream?

2) For those that HAVE lost a significant amount of weight did this 'hairiness' problem persist or go away naturally? I noticed on many websites that they say if you lose weight and change your life style/eating habits it will reduce significantly.

I need real life experiences please, or if you knew someone like that. Otherwise, I need to save penny-to-penny and get laser hair removal TT______TT


  • sounds to me like you have PCOS which is Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. The problem is it stuffs around with hormones and increases testosterone in females which causes excess hair, being overweight and irregular periods and infertility. I have pretty mild PCOS in that I don't have the excess hair and my periods are regular, but I find losing weight a huge challenge and can put on 2kg almost overnight.

    I recommend seeing your Dr and getting checked out for it.


    Tam x
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    2) For those that HAVE lost a significant amount of weight did this 'hairiness' problem persist or go away naturally? I noticed on many websites that they say if you lose weight and change your life style/eating habits it will reduce significantly.
    Mine still stays the same and I have to shave my "beard". I've been to 3 gynes who all diagnosed me with PCOS but despite taking pills and metformin (I'm still maintaining on this one for my diabetes), nothing changes. I dunno if I have CAH but I need to see an endo first.

    Also I only menstruate once or twice a year and I've been like this from the start not to mention that I can easily pass as a guy when I cut my hair too short.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    The other thing probably to keep in mind is that estrogen is stored in fat cells. My gyno told me that this was why I had irregular periods (one period every 3-6 months which is labelled "secondary amenoria"). Estrogen plays a role in why women are less hairy than men. So, my guess is that if it's not PCOS, it could be a hormonal imbalance that may be due in part to being overweight.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Yeh quite possibly PCOS....i found while things didnt completely go away....things will improve once eating healthy over a period of time. I use to only get my cycle every 7 months or so now i am a regular every 28-32 days. It would be worth seeing a endocrinologist or gyneo
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    If your skin is light, and your hair is dark, laser hair removal helps tremendously. No need to pay for having it professionally done anymore, though. A company called Silk'n makes one for home use that works just as well (Costco currently has one on sale for $300). Unfortunately, if I had to say one way or the other, I don't think you can expect it to be helped by losing weight.

    A couple of things that could help temporarily in the meantime are a medication called spironolactone (diuretic), and a hair minimizing lotion made by Biore.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Can women with PCOS bulk easier due to higher testosterone? Just curious.

    I have a few little hairs I will get, but my hormones seemed to be jacked to the max no matter what anyhow. I just tweeze them when I touch up my brows.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Can women with PCOS bulk easier due to higher testosterone? Just curious.

    I have a few little hairs I will get, but my hormones seemed to be jacked to the max no matter what anyhow. I just tweeze them when I touch up my brows.
    NO not at all. That's totally a myth. Bulking up requires a calorie surplus + weight lifting. I've been lifting super heavy weights but I just get smaller. Even average guys who have 3x more testosterone than women are having a hard time bulking up.
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    I dont have the problem but my mon had I took to her doctor and ask for vaniqua is for facial it work great and laser to is a great option
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Can women with PCOS bulk easier due to higher testosterone? Just curious.

    I have a few little hairs I will get, but my hormones seemed to be jacked to the max no matter what anyhow. I just tweeze them when I touch up my brows.

    We don't all necessarily have higher testosterone levels either, I have higher androgen, normal testosterone.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Losing weight definitely helps ease most PCOS symptoms, but I don't know if it does much for hair growth.

    As for the question about women with PCOS having an easier time with bulking, my experience has definitely not been one of gaining a bunch of muscle quickly. I lose fat really slowly now that I've lost a bunch of weight. But other than that, I seem to make strength and muscle gains just as women who don't have PCOS do.

    Lifting has been great for me, by the way. I recommend all women with PCOS lift weights, as it really seems to have helped get my hormones somewhat under control.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    Losing weight definitely helps ease most PCOS symptoms, but I don't know if it does much for hair growth.

    As for the question about women with PCOS having an easier time with bulking, my experience has definitely not been one of gaining a bunch of muscle quickly. I lose fat really slowly now that I've lost a bunch of weight. But other than that, I seem to make strength and muscle gains just as women who don't have PCOS do.

    Lifting has been great for me, by the way. I recommend all women with PCOS lift weights, as it really seems to have helped get my hormones somewhat under control.

    great idea i have been recently diagnosed with pcos. this week actualy. and was thinking about adding some weight training to my cardio

    as for the hair growth i have the same problem did you get your hormons tested i have increased testosteron due to pcos and a not properly funktioning thyroid wich is also being treated now
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Yes, there are different types of PCOS - some exhibit higher androgens, while others don't. By the way, if you didn't know, androgens are male hormones... the primary and most well-known is testosterone.

    Check this out: http://www.soulcysters.net/showthread.php/129677-5-Types-of-PCOS
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    Pcos, this stuff is wicked ive gone for months without a cycle now at 47 Ive gone back to periods for a couple weeks at a time. For me I wouldnt mind not even having the baby making stuff.. I dont want more kiddos and I am a grandma.. No big deal there but for those of us who get hysterectomies its HELL to lose weight I have several friends going through that now. Women with it have hair growth issues I use an amazing skin care regimen from Arbonne and I also use a cream call vaniqua which was about 45 prescribed by a doctor I put it on 2 times a day in the morning and at night with my skin care regimen. We tend to have wider hips and smaller busts. Mine are moving toward gone it seems probably about a 30 pound weight loss wont know until my next weigh it but they are leaving. To be honest at the end of the day we are expensive to maintain. Its in my plan to get it all lasered off and bikini line and a bust job as I wont have anything left. We also tend to have deeper voices. If you look at jillian michaels and her body thats typically what women who are healthy with pcos look like.its just our wiring is different. In severe cases diabetes and alot of other things kick in so gyn is always helpful Ive stuck close to an endochronologist as they understand hypothyroidism. I dont know if this helps but what I can say is I know a TON of women who have lost with it. Stick closer to proteins NO WHITE FLOURS AND SUGARS we do n ot process them well. Be blessed good luck.
  • pghlulu
    pghlulu Posts: 42
    Hi, so I have excessive hair growth.........that annoys me every day on my face. I have to spend 1 hour daily just threading in the bathroom everyday! The scientific term for it is hirsutism I have some questions for females in a similar situation:

    1) If you had it before and don't have it now, what did you change? Did you see your doctor and start pills or a special cream?

    2) For those that HAVE lost a significant amount of weight did this 'hairiness' problem persist or go away naturally? I noticed on many websites that they say if you lose weight and change your life style/eating habits it will reduce significantly.

    I need real life experiences please, or if you knew someone like that. Otherwise, I need to save penny-to-penny and get laser hair removal TT______TT

    Yes, I have had this problem over the years, I feel your pain :frown: On face, arms, and other places!! I've never been diagnosed with PCOS and I suppose it's not excessive and so I've never really asked a doc about it...

    Mine actually got better (lessened) when I gained weight with pregnancy - weird, huh?! It was more pronounced in my early teen years and has lessened since, but still there. Now I just bleach it. Waxing hurts (and it comes back!!) and I can't afford any type of laser treatments.