My first month...

So i started tracking and trying here on MFP about a month ago... And this is my first post. i don't know the rules really but started skimming posts today and see the encouragement and I realize... I need help too, or encouragement and advice rather.

I'm trying really hard to eat healthy raw foods, less processed food, and lean chicken and fish. Oh and exercising too, i literally have never sweated as much as i have working out this past month. I have lost 6 of the 55 pounds I plan to shed. I am starting to feel better, healthier but don't quite look it yet. Im attributing my loss to date to adding veggies and fruit to my diet as I realized a few months ago...I didn't eat either very often... My food group pyramid had become fried, gravy, sugar and liquor.

I saw today that you can see other people's food diaries and I think that pretty cool, as I would love to snoop and get ideas, etc. Anyway, I'm Jessica, I'm 36 years young, 5'10 and plan to be 170 pounds... Not sure when but I'm currently 216, so I want a few friends to help me through the next 6-12 months or so.

Oh and if anyone has any tips or thoughts on how a newbie like me should start... Please share... I'm like a sponge awaiting your advice! Hmm a sponge? I sure wish, my body could just soak up healthiness like a sponge. Lol


  • tobefitornottobefat
    Congrats on your first month! You're way ahead of me; I haven't finished my first week yet! Every day is a challenge, but I do feel a bit better already. Just getting a few walks in and working in the garden is a big improvement for me. I'm not ready for the gym yet (if I can find one), but I think I'd like to find a yoga class. Do you take a class or do machines/weights?
    Thanks for sharing the journey -- from a really new newbie!!! :smile:
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    Welcome to MFP! It really is a great community.

    I love seeing people get healthier by adding more fruits and veggies and less junk food to their diets. You don't have to eat perfectly every day (who does that?) but your health will be much better served by eating better with less processed foods.

    One tip I have for newbies is to select an article of clothing that you have that doesn't fit but you wish did. Every month or every other month (preferably on the same day of the month) take a picture of yourself in that clothing. It's very motivating over time to see yourself shrink and fit into the clothes. Scales will lie about your progress, measurements can be tricky to get accurately, but my "jeans-0-meter" never let me down (I took a picture every other month)

    I'm sending you a friend request.
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    Hi Jessica and welcome. Feel free to add me as a friend. You're welcome to look through my diary (although I just started keeping track again this past month). I've been on MFP off and on for about a year now, and it's a great tracking tool as well as a great community of support.

    My one piece of advice is to make a commitment to being active every day. For me, it's at least 30 minutes of activity, even on my non-gym days.....especially on my non-gym days. Things like take the dog on a long walk, go to the zoo and walk around, clean out the garage (which will be a huge undertaking.....way more than 30 minutes), wash the car by hand, do some gardening. I made a list so that when I can't decide what I want to do with my 30 minutes of activity, I can look at the list and see if something rings my bell for that day. If not, my default is go for a walk (or walk on the treadmill if the weather's bad.) Today it was to walk to the grocery about a mile away and back home. It was lovely out!

    I was up to 200+ lb in December 2011, and in January I started on MFP and lost 50 lb. Unfortunately I got off track and am now committed to getting back on the fitness kick. I know that my tendency is to NOT be active. Winters are the worst! I would come home from work, change into my pajamas, and watch TV until bedtime, with a delivered pizza or fast food for dinner. I HAVE to be active if this is going to work for me. So that's my biggest goal. I'm hoping after July that I can increase my goal to 1 hour of activity a day.

    Feel free to friend me. I'm looking for friends too.
  • superdrood
    superdrood Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds like you've got the right attitudes and are making the right changes. :smile:

    Fitness is a life style not a destination. Just keep it up but don't beat yourself up if you have an off day. Get right back in your groove and pretty soon your new habits become old habits.

    Oh, and take before pictures right now if you haven't. Can't tell you how many successful weight losers regret not doing this (myself included).
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I haven't been here long at all, so I am a newbie too. But, this is what I have learned so far.

    1. Count everything. I am still working on that. I am pleasantly surprised usually at how accurate I was at knowing the calorie count before logging, but I have also gotten the other kind of surprise like on the cup of kidney beans I had for lunch. And I got a big surprise seeing how fast the extras added to the calorie count it was sort of like customizing a car whoa now that's expensive. No worries though I added 20 minutes of aerobics and I cut back half a cup of pasta for dinner.

    2. Never heard about eating back calories before. I haven't done that yet exactly. But, if I exercise I do eat a little more than I would have otherwise or if I want to eat more later I exercise more. So, that is my motivation to exercise having a few more calories to spend on dinner.

    3. I am still not getting enough protein.

    4. Logging is much easier and more fun than I thought it would be.

    5. It takes about 6 months to reduce sodium cravings. I can't tell you how much I love salt. I love it enough to walk miles for it. I would rather burn extra calories or do without sugar. Salt and tomatoes are about my favorite things to eat.

    6. Grapefruit is a really really good desert. I didn't really learn that here, but I learned it just recently. I love it so much. I love it as much as salt and tomatoes. I love it so much I did an image search to incorporate a picture into my progress ticker. If grapefruit was a person I would consider stalking it.

    7. Having goals is important. But, don't give up if a goal isn't met. Evaluate: was the goal unrealistic to begin with? Did I log everything? Am I healthier overall despite a missed goal? What should I do to make my goal and what should my next goal be? I used to always give up when I didn't make a goal, I won't do that again.

    8. This community is definitely different from others I have stumbled upon. I like it even though it's all about counting and logging I don't see most people as being overly obsessed with how big they currently are and what size they want to be. Of course the concern is there I think we all would like to be at or best weight already and it's hard getting there, but I see more of a focus on eating better and getting more fit rather than a focus on the number on the scale.

    Anyway, that's all I got for now. Someday I will do an intro when I get over being so gosh darned reserved.
  • Jessbnsac
    Jessbnsac Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all! I just figured out how to find the items I posted... in the My Topics area. GREAT ADVICE. I am going to read the BMR/TDEE article again tonight, a my mind cant quit wrap arond it at work. Oh and I am definitely taking before pictures tonight. THANKS!
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome! You can add me and I eat 95% processed free, I live off of veggies/lean meats/fruit and I lost 36 pounds in 3months! You can do this!!!
  • JonnaM0916
    JonnaM0916 Posts: 113
    I have to say your post made me LOL. You have a great personality and seem like you're pretty positive. That will go a long way in your journey. I wish you great success! You can do it!!