found my way back to myfitnesspal

SKidd Posts: 9 Member
I lost site of MY goals. After being laid off for 6 months now & gaining instead of shedding, I'm back!
I'm asking humbly for much encouragement & motivation.
Looking for easy dinner meals, so I'm not cooking 2 separate meals every day.


  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    This site might help you.
    It has weightwatchers recipes. Plus gives you the calories , etc. for the meal. It has tons of stuff from meals to desserts.
  • SKidd
    SKidd Posts: 9 Member
    I will check it out.
  • corndog05
    corndog05 Posts: 53
    I found lots of new recipes on this thread. It's Easy Crock Pot recipes. There's virtually no cooking involved...just dump it in and forget about it. :) I need a little of that in my life.

    At my house we just finished off the White Chicken Chili & it was fabulous. My skinny husband loved it.

    I hope you keep coming around and please post when you're feeling discouraged or feel like you're about to fall off the wagon. It has helped me tremendously.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Welcome back! :smile:
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    You can do it!

    One of my favorite dinners is quinoa salad. You cook quinoa which only takes 15 minutes. You can cook up a bunch and keep out enough for a couple-few days of dinner and freeze the rest in the same portion sized baggies. Then you can thaw and use next time with no cooking. Take diced red bell peppers, corn cut from the cob and cilantro and saute those in a skillet then add to quinoa. Sprinkle with freshly squeezed orange juice. Salt and pepper to taste. Refirgerate for a couple of hours. Really simple, keeps for a few days in the fridge. Add a green salad and it's a great meal.

    Or, if you like smoothies, you can add a little water and enough spinach to fill the blender. Puree the spinach and add your fruit of choice and blend again. My favorite fruit with it is mango and pineapple. I have that most nights.