Are you on a low/non-dairy and/or gluten free diet?

My diet is low dairy and entirely gluten free right now. I'm having trouble staying full. I need help here! I've been eating mostly fruits and veggies. I eat meat at lunch (not a lot) and a serving of meat at dinner. I have trouble with feeling hungry between meals, especially after exercise and between breakfast and lunch. I eat breakfast between 5 and 6 a.m. and then eat lunch at 12 or 12:30. I feel starved and sick if I don't eat by 9 a.m. Fruit or veggies don't cut it mid morning but in the afternoon I can just eat carrot sticks and be fine until dinner. What can I snack on to stay full in the mornings that is gluten and dairy free but filling?


  • goodnessginger
    Hi there! I am on a similar diet. After your workouts - try adding a protein smoothie. I use a raw vegan brown rice protein powder (1 scoop, 1 banana, rice milk, and water). Right now I am eating raw chocolate. My favorite things to add when I need the calories or to feel full are nuts, seeds and nut butter. I stay full with healthy fats from hemp seeds, avocados and nut butters. How long have you been on this diet? When I first started I was starving all the time. Now - three months later - I am almost always full. It took some time for my body to adapt. Oh! Lots of chicken - grilled chicken breast.
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    I just started doing personal training and I have a pretty much dairy free diet there's a little but of gluten though.. I eat 6x a day.. Maybe that will help you a little bit
    You should try eating every 3 hrs... So after bfast I'd have a small meal/snack. And so on with every meal.. My snacks are always a protein source that is considered lean meat..
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Sounds like you are doing more of a paleo diet rather than just gluten/dairy free. Regardless, try eating nuts. They are calorie dense and fill you up. Also, you can still eat rice, quinoa, oats (I know, I know this is controversial), beans, potatoes, etc. I like to snack on tortilla chips with homemade guacamole. Delicious!

    Just curious though. Is there a specific reason you are gluten and dairy free?
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    Its no wonder you're hungry, you're going six hours without eating. I'm on a similar sched in that I work between 6am and 1pm. I usually eat around 5am, then 9am, then 1pm. my final meal is around 5pm-6pm and then I'm done. You need more protein in your diet. veggies aren't going to do it all. You could look at nonmeat sources of protein like beans or nuts. Just a suggestion.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Are you having meat with breakfast? More protein could help you feel fuller longer. Also why only a small amount of meat with lunch?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Are you gluten free & diary free for medical reasons or is it just to lose weight?

    I agree with the person that suggested you eat every few hours.
    Eat more meat maybe?
    Have a hard boiled egg or two in the morning, some trail mix or regular nuts.

    I could be wrong (&someone please correct me if I'm wrong) but greek yogurt could work.
    If you've cut out dairy for allergy reasons, there are some people who don't have a reaction to greek yogurt since the cultures are different. There's also lactose free yogurt, coconut/almond/soy yogurts. There's keifer (I don't know much about this one except I tried it and did not like it at all)

    Avocado can help keep you full
  • mindyt23
    mindyt23 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I have a son that is gluten/free dairy/free, I follow it occasonially! Okay, I believe you need some protein with your fruits and veggies at each meal! Even if its a scantful of almonds with your fruit. Smuckers all natural creamy peanutbutter (the kind you stir) is a STAPLE here at our house! My son has Udi's gluten free toast with peanutbutter spread on top, I put honey on mine YUMMMMY! Also steel cut oats are gluten free and oatmeal is filling!!! Precook some chicken and dice up to throw in with your veggies, little pepper and oilve oil. Egg whites good source protein too! Ground turkey burger is usually gluten free and less fat than beef. And there are LOTS of recipes to use turkey burger. Hummus I believe is gluten free as well, good dip! For dairy we use Almond milk, unsweetened and for my son (He's 5) he gets the dark chocolate almond milk. There are popcorns, pretzels etc. The Best part about being gluten free is usually those products don't have other bad ingredients, like preservatives or artifical junk.
    I am a fan of eating more than 3 times a day! Especially if your working out! I honestly eat about every 2 hours and I have hit my goal weight! It keeps your metabolism running!! I'm not completely glutenfree, but I have alot of knowledge about it, feel free to add me if you'd like!:smile:
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I am well gluten free and I guess lower dairy.... I eat a protein at every meal, example this morning was about 3 cups of mixed veggies (spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and a bit of salsa for flavour) after all sauted I add in one egg and about 1.5 cups of egg whites. That and my coffee and I am full until at least 11:00 or so, I eat at lunch. Have a big salad with spinach, kale, raw pecans or walnuts or almonds (just a small amount) and a ton of whatever raw veggies I want, I add in an avocado, and a protein (either grilled chicken or a hard boiled egg crumbled), a bit of cheese and a homemade salad dressing (I am celiac so I have to make all these things from scratch to assure it is GF).

    This month I am doing the 30 day shed challenge so I do that on my lunch, so I eat my salad and then after I have typically an apple and natural PB as a post snack.

    Dinner is usually a lean meat (fish, chicken, once a week red meat like BBQ steak - 6oz) and then I have roasted veggies, or veggies with quinoa or brown rice. I roast the veggies with a tiny amount of coconut oil and a variety of seasoning. In the winter we had a lot of hearty homemade soups.

    I go the the gym 5-6 nights a week when my daughter goes to bed and my husband stays home (he works out in the morning while I stay home) and after my workout I have a post workout smoothie. This is also pretty well dairy free.

    Keeps me full all day. And that is with a lot of working out these days because of the regular and my challenge.

    I eat around 1500 calories a day but they are lots of lean meats and TONS of veggies.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Right now I am on a very strict diet. In the beginning it made for some very trying times to fill in the 'feeding' schedule, as I can become hypogylcemic quite easily.

    I find a mid morning snack of 1-2 tbls of organic peanutbutter (or almond) on GF crackers is perfect. You can also do the butter on apples, celery or some people carrots (blech :tongue: )

    A hard boiled egg or two is another quickie for mid morning.

    Having read that the process of making Greek Yogurt removes the lactaid(?) I am trying some today. Fingers crossed my body accepts it. SO much easier to have a yogurt mid morning! :love:

    I can feel for you trying to eat on this very restrictive diet! :ohwell: And I complained when the doctor first said "no tomatoes or citrus" Oye, to go back to that would be heaven:laugh:

    The good news is 1 month later, and I seem to be thriving and my body is regulating. I hope some of this helped even a little bit.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I think my thing is open if you want to look at my diary. I never liked dairy due to lactose intolerance...but i try to eat plenty of meats, and I plan snacks between meals, because it's a long time between breakfast and lunch, and it's unrealistic to not snack on something. Usually a special k 90 calorie bar works as a good snack for me.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a low-dairy / gluten-free diet (IBS-D). From what I can see you have 2 reasons why you're so hungry: You're going too many hours between meals, and filling those hours in with fruit and veggies won't cut it. To cut down on hunger, especially if you go about 7 hours between breakfast and lunch, you need to add protein and healthy fats to not only your meals, but your snacks too.

    Instead of having just a banana, for example, have a banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter or handful of nuts. If you're really hungry, have that peanut butter on a slice of gluten-free bread (tastes better toasted) or crackers.

    Or have your veggies in the form of a salad with a hard-boiled egg and a light dressing - maybe even a bit of crumbled nuts or cheese.

    Make sure you're getting enough calories. A lot of people don't eat enough for their gender/size/activity level.

    If you have your calories set at a deficit for when you're sedentary, make sure that you eat those back when you exercise. I have my MFP already set to add those back to my available calories.
  • dollylohaze
    Im the same, gluten and dairy free.. And I make massive use of nuts, peanut butter, soya products and sweet potatoes. Avoiding traditional potatoes because currently the set me off as well but seriously, more protein and healthy fats. All my cravings have gone, I only eat chocolate to fill calories/boredom now. I did try a little bit of dairy milk the other day and i was floored by it. Once you've started this diet, its difficult to go back without tripling the intensity of your ibs symptoms.
  • LessLikeHer
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I've been having awful cravings for bready foods and have been starving...I assume this is my body adjusting and it will go away soon?

    Hi there! I am on a similar diet. After your workouts - try adding a protein smoothie. I use a raw vegan brown rice protein powder (1 scoop, 1 banana, rice milk, and water). Right now I am eating raw chocolate. My favorite things to add when I need the calories or to feel full are nuts, seeds and nut butter. I stay full with healthy fats from hemp seeds, avocados and nut butters. How long have you been on this diet? When I first started I was starving all the time. Now - three months later - I am almost always full. It took some time for my body to adapt. Oh! Lots of chicken - grilled chicken breast.

    I've only been on this diet for about a week...I am starving all the time too. Thanks!!
    Sounds like you are doing more of a paleo diet rather than just gluten/dairy free. Regardless, try eating nuts. They are calorie dense and fill you up. Also, you can still eat rice, quinoa, oats (I know, I know this is controversial), beans, potatoes, etc. I like to snack on tortilla chips with homemade guacamole. Delicious!

    Just curious though. Is there a specific reason you are gluten and dairy free?

    I am basically Paleo, yes. I still allow rice, quinoa, and some gluten free oats when need be though! I have infertility caused by PCOS and I hear Paleo can help reverse this...I'm also changing my eating for weight loss and because I think I might have a slight allergy of some sort to gluten or dairy or both. The allergy is minor but it's still there...I get bloated, stuffy head, upset stomach at times and a few other things when I eat gluten. Dairy doesn't do it all the time but at times it does...Goats milk seems to be alright though so far. My biggest reason for this diet though is to be healthy and not feel so sluggish from gluten.
    Are you having meat with breakfast? More protein could help you feel fuller longer. Also why only a small amount of meat with lunch?

    This week all we had was left over meat so I was eating a small amount. I'm thinking maybe upping my protein will help a lot.

    Having read that the process of making Greek Yogurt removes the lactaid(?) I am trying some today. Fingers crossed my body accepts it. SO much easier to have a yogurt mid morning! :love:

    Good to know! Thanks. I'll check into it. :)
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I am doing something similar as well. I eat several meals a day. I try to eat every 2 to 3 hours to keep my metabolism boosted. It does help with staying full. If I am feeling really hungry I try coffee, tea, water, or some type of protein.