Jillian Michaels 30 day Challenge

A while back someone posted a link to "Jillian Michaels 30 day Challenge" It was 30 days using a mix of The 30-day Shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and "Jillians No more Trouble Zones." I have all three of these videos, and now that I want to try the challenges I can't find the link to her schedule of when to do each video. If anyone knows where I could find it I would appreciate it :-)


  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member

    I'm starting it today - good luck!!!
  • bumblemoo
    bumblemoo Posts: 10
    I just completed my first of her workouts & I think I might pass out. Now I'm not the fittest girl in the gym (or I wouldn't be if I ever set foot in one) but I'm fairly ok when it comes to not getting breathless.

    I will say though that although this LOOKS easy by the end of stage 1 my husband was wetting himself laughing whilst trying to be my cheerleader because apparently I looked like a ladybird stuck on its back.

    I will keep going though, Jillian is fab! :)