Afraid to go back to the gym? :/



  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Everyone is there for the same reason....for themselves. If someone asks where you've been, you simply reply with you've been busy with life but are back at it. They most likely will only inquire because they care about you, not because they are making fun of you!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    You must go to a small gym, I doubt the people I see regularly really notice if I'm there or not. That being said, I'd rather them see me after so many weeks and think " Hey, she's back, I wonder what came up that kept her away" rather than never seeing me again and thinking "I guess she gave up."

    Beside, it's not about them. It's about you. Get back in there.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    No one cares.

    Just get back in there and do it.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I went to the gym for the 1st time EVER this past tuesday. A friend of my brothers asked me to go with her and let me tell you what. I would have never gone alone to a gym but now I would. Take a friend if you can that way between working out and chit chatting with him/her no one else in the gym will matter. I cant wait until she asks me to go again with her seeing as I cant afford my own membership at the moment, so pick a friend who is strapped atm and drag them with you they will love you for the opportunity. If you cant find a friend to drag with you just listen to music extra loud and look at the TV's or ceiling most of the time If anyone gets nosey and you don't want to have to explain just make up crazy things that you can giggle about later on in the day . TBH you might get more love if you were to just say I fell off the wagon and I am so ashamed lol The fact you go back is what matters not what others think but if you must dwell on what others think about you at least make it crazy, unbelievable and fun.
  • PureAdamic
    PureAdamic Posts: 185
    Afraid to go back to the gym? :/

    nope, I focus on the task at hand.
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    You must go to a small gym, I doubt the people I see regularly really notice if I'm there or not.

  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Just go...

    If there are people that judge then they obviously don't have a life.

    Life happens. Unless you are a paid fitness model who gets paid for working out, I would EXPECT that there will be times that a break in the action is going to happen. only have to even remotely worry about this just once...the first time back. All subsequent times do not count.
  • djozwiak1
    djozwiak1 Posts: 14 Member
    I hate the gym! Never got on with them at all and never had the motivation to go. Well, I did for a few weeks then gave up. I work out at home and get up religiously at 5am every day to do it. It's my routine and has been for over 2 years. I can't see me ever changing! You have to get your focus back. Figure out your goals, what you want, what your motivation is then you will find your way again. Good luck!
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    who cares what people think!! I've been in your shoes and I just sucked up all the thoughts that I thought people would say and guess what??????????????????? None of those things were spoken, lol yeah they probably thought it but they didn't say anything. So girlie get back on the wagon and work this journey for you!!!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    That's an awful reason to not go back, and I think you know it.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Just do it! You can't always wait for the motivation to come. Just do it, and your motivation will follow. Use your gym buddies as encouragement to go and stay accountable. Also, take a few moments to really think about WHY you haven't been able to stick to your healthier lifestyle. Is your job getting you down? Your home life? Whatever it is, recognize what triggers you to fall of the wagon and change it! If it's stress, try 20 minute of yoga to wind down and de-stress. Use the gym as your "Me time"

    Give yourself one hour a day to achieve your goals!
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    just do it as said above
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    If someone asks where you've been you can say whatever you want, but I bet if you told them the truth you'd find out that they've had slip ups too.
  • jennibenni6
    Update: I went to the gym. Only the receptionist kindly asked how and where I'd been the past few weeks. I told her I'd lost track, but I was back and ready to work out. Thank you all for the kind and not so kind words :) I think I just needed to be given a reality check to get back in there and find my focus again. I appreciate the push y'all gave me. I needed the motivation. Thank you again.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    I agree with previous posts. Nobody cares but you!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I agree with previous posts. Nobody cares but you!


    If you wanna get to your goal and keep up the healthy, active lifestyle you have to worry about YOU only and noone else.
    Cause really? noone cares. I go to the gym 3 times a week, and instead of gossiping where people are, I make friends with people and we motivate eachother. If I hadn't have joined the gym, I wouldn't have met some ladies who mean the world to me.
  • TJMiddaugh
    TJMiddaugh Posts: 67 Member
    i get like that also! its all mental though. no worries, just get back at it and youll pick right back up where you left off! dont over think it. just do it :) they will probably be happy to see you. you'll bounce right back to where you were in just a few days time. seriously. amazing how such a short time can feel like an eternity when it comes to exercise, get er dun!!!
  • mrsmuffin
    mrsmuffin Posts: 22
    Hi There! Let me tell you that I totally understand where it is that you are coming from. Although I was absent for waaaaayyyyyyy *whispering* a year *gasp*. But I reminded myself that I was worth it. And I went back. I didn't feel judged aside from any judgement I held for myself. You joined the gym for a reason AND fit, healthy and happy is your birthright!!!! You got this! Ask yourself this...have you been judging people from your treadmill - secretly counting if they have been present or not?....I doubt you have...and neither is anyone else...they are busy working their *kitten* off hoping you aren't judging them. This fear exists in your mind...take the power of that fear away and go to the gym. Let me know how you make out! :) Much Love, Mrsmuffin!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I'm a zumba instructor, and sometimes my class members go MIA. I might say something like hey stranger! But that's about it. And it's only because I actually did miss them. Not because I was thinking they were at home slacking, and dreading coming to work out. Life happens, and everyone can't always make it to the gym all the time. I have had girls fall of the wagon before and complain about gaining the weight back, and feeling insecure about it, but really, it does happen. One of our "lifers" had gone MIA for a while, cuz she was babysitting her nephew, who was an infant, and just couldn't make it to class, or maybe even didn't want to. Whatever the excuse is, it doesn't matter. YOU are the only one you have to answer to, ultimately, and you are the only one you are accountable to. I'm sure everyone will be glad to see you again, and it's really none of their business. Do you realize how many people lose weight and gain it back? It happens all the time! Like I said, life happens! Just think of how GREAT you'll feel after a good workout!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Could have just been on holiday - most will let themselves go a bit on holiday.