Introducing myself...


I joined this a while ago but never really kept up with it - RUBBISH at tracking food and just couldn't be bothered if I'm honest! However, I recently found my skinny motivation and also really want to sort out my fitness as it's shocking for a 26 year old.

SO! Plan is, track everything I eat, however bad it is, find some friends to add to keep the motivation going and lose this weight that has just crept up on me (must have been while I was having that massive bag of crisps and takeaways!)......wish me luck! Any help or tips welcome.



  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    I struggle with keeping on track with food, too.
    I love tracking, but once I hit where I know I am going to go over I cringe!
    I think this site will really help me stay accountable and better control what I stuff in to my face *lol*
  • mutedwhisper
    I quite often go over and cringe as well, it's quite irritating but so easy to do!! Just been shopping and bought the shops supply of fruit and veg ha! Just don't get that full feeling from things like that though!!
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    The trick to that is to add protein
    When I eat a salad I add chicken or tuna or salmon or some other protein to it and it made ALL the difference in the world
    Fruit I add to water - when I drink more water, I eat less during the day
    Or I will add fruit to yogurt or icecream or cereal or oatmeal - something with fiber/low sugar and whatever to again, fill me up..