Body Fat %



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Over the course of my life, I've reached/maintained a low (~10%) BF% while using two vastly different forms of exercise. Lifting hard & heavy, and running marathons. But the key during both of those was eating right. That part is crucial.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Turbo Fire has had the most affect on mine.

    Other things I've done - Zumba, running, calisthenics, Wii Fit games, resistance bands. I'm not knocking any of these. They all played a part along the way.

    But Turbo Fire made the most difference on BF% for me. Both by reducing fat and building muscle.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    A small caloric deficit, adequate protein, heavy lifting, all combined.

    I agree!

    What he said.

    I've been doing the above for 3 months about and it really has changed my shape (and still dropped a little weight). The only thing I would change from what I did at first (about 1.5 years of weight loss and MFP) was not getting enough protein. I wouldn't change anything else I did at first though which was net 1200 and more cardio focused (some strength/resistance but not as much). I think I was too heavy at first and am glad I waited until my low 140's to lift. I'm 132 now but looking at my Dec pics and pics now I look very different. Now I'm netting around 1400 some days more, lifting and doing core class 2-3 days a week (some days I lift 2 and do zumba tone 1) and focusing more on protein.

    Someone else mentioned processed foods. If you want to stay under your fat and sodium you generally end up reducing processed foods as a necessity.
  • lbdc05
    lbdc05 Posts: 32 Member
    Ditch processed food. Bye-bye pastas, bread, cereal, etc. (don't care if it's whole wheat or whole grain). If you can't pick it off a tree, bush, vine, or pull it out of the ground or shoot it - it needs to be severely restricted from you diet. Eat lots of protein and healthy fats: eggs, nuts, fish, lean meats. WEIGHT TRAIN 2-3 times weekly. Cardio (run, jog, walk, swim) 3-5 times weekly.

    Agree 100% :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Reasonable calorie deficit

    Resistance training (I personally prefer strength training)