Toughts on My Protein source last night after lifting!?



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I know you guys love your chicken and I'm not telling anyone to give it up but when people think it's okay to celebrate having unlimited amounts of meat than that scares me. My heart dropped when I read the stream of replies in this thread. :frown:

    My heart drops at the thought of your rabbit food.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Whats Shakin MFP!!!! Ok so I did some heavy lifting at the gym yesterday...

    Pull ups
    Barbell rows
    Bicep curls
    Leg press

    Soooooo I needed some PROTEIN afterwards right!?!? Well Once I got home...I inhaled..........

    3/4 lbs of round top trimmed steak......(Pan fried)
    1/2 a raw avocado

    What are your toughts on this meal??? Did I overdo it on the meat :devil: ?????

    If it fits in your macros! (and agrees with your body!)
    I agree with the sweet potato comment. Muscles need potassium!

    red meat is fine if you're a meat eater but of course the fat content is higher than in chicken or pork :) Avocados are good for you!
    If you can handle non-meat protein like beans, great! since your bod needs fibers and such as well

    I tend to grab almonds and hard boiled eggs post workout since I have kind of a far dive and you don't want to wait too long to eat post workout.

    There's loads of things you can consume!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Whats Shakin MFP!!!! Ok so I did some heavy lifting at the gym yesterday...

    Pull ups
    Barbell rows
    Bicep curls
    Leg press

    Soooooo I needed some PROTEIN afterwards right!?!? Well Once I got home...I inhaled..........

    3/4 lbs of round top trimmed steak......(Pan fried)
    1/2 a raw avocado

    What are your toughts on this meal??? Did I overdo it on the meat :devil: ?????

    If it fits in your macros! (and agrees with your body!)
    I agree with the sweet potato comment. Muscles need potassium!

    red meat is fine if you're a meat eater but of course the fat content is higher than in chicken or pork :) Avocados are good for you!
    If you can handle non-meat protein like beans, great! since your bod needs fibers and such as well

    I tend to grab almonds and hard boiled eggs post workout since I have kind of a far dive and you don't want to wait too long to eat post workout.

    There's loads of things you can consume!

    Funny you should say that...I also keep almonds in my car to snack on on the waY home!...HA!
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    Why so much snark on meat eaters? I gave my opinion on "there is no such thing as too much meat" (obviously meaning in a healthy individual), as a bodybuilder but also as a doctor (a veterinarian that is). If you are healthy, if you balance out that high animal protein diet (lots of fiber!), if you workout (lifting heavy!!) there is no need to panic about colon cancer (Also, how much meat can someone eat? It depends on their weight too... A 280 pound bodybuilder will kinda need a lot!). There are some great vegan athletes that spring to mind- actually two of my favorite athletes ever (ok, not bodybuilders), antoinette pacheco and frank medrano ( are vegan, and they look fantastic and do mind-boggling things. That does not mean that other fantastic athletes are vegan. To each their own, and this tone is not something Id like to see on MFP. We're here to offer advice and help to each other, not snark or sarcasm
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I know you guys love your chicken and I'm not telling anyone to give it up but when people think it's okay to celebrate having unlimited amounts of meat than that scares me. My heart dropped when I read the stream of replies in this thread. :frown:

    My heart drops at the thought of your rabbit food.

    Rabbit food is little pellets from the petshop.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I know you guys love your chicken and I'm not telling anyone to give it up but when people think it's okay to celebrate having unlimited amounts of meat than that scares me. My heart dropped when I read the stream of replies in this thread. :frown:

    My heart drops at the thought of your rabbit food.

    Rabbit food is little pellets from the petshop.

    And even the rabbits don't eat that shizzle.
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    I'm slightly disappointed...I thought this thread was gonna be about something else :ohwell:
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    Hey OP don't fret, I occasionally will stop on my way home from the gym and get a whole hot-n-ready roaster chicken and eat the whole thing. (only on really intense lifting days, usually i'll just settle for a couple of chicken breasts bbq'ed) just make sure you eat enough other things to balance out tha huge amount of protein, and protect your kidneys!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I'd have eaten the whole avocado and added a ton of raw salad veggies (peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, arugula, etc) plus some lime juice. Which means I would have probably had enough steak left over for a meal the following day.

    Other than that, sounds like a good start to a meal.